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Munchkin, Also ran 1 has a new account
Gnomon - time to move on Started conversation Nov 1, 2003
Also Ran 1 has fallen foul of the single sign on system. She has been unable to return to her old account and now has a new one. Can you please go to her new account U516677 and add her to your friends?
Munchkin, Also ran 1 has a new account
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 2, 2003
We'll expect a full report, even if it is only of the inside of every pub you visited.
Munchkin, Also ran 1 has a new account
Munchkin Posted Nov 3, 2003
Hopefully I shall write that up tonight, provided my sneaky suspicion about the plumbing does not come true.
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Munchkin, Also ran 1 has a new account
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