This is the Message Centre for holly

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 21


Morning all!

smiley - hug

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 22


smiley - boing

I thought this needed bumping!!!!

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 23



smiley - boing

Looks like I am on my own

smiley - blush

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 24


I'm heresmiley - biggrin

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 25


Hello purps!

Hows the kitchen?

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 26


smiley - boing

I am here to but have to go in a minute.

Left lunch at home and brought in sons swimming gear instead smiley - doh

Unhappy son and unhappy OH well ce la vie!!!

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 27


Morning I'm about in cyberspace smiley - hug

Busy, busy busy smiley - grr

smiley - dragonsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 28


Carol, we're free smiley - bubbly

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 29


smiley - doh

Could've phrased that better smiley - doh

I meant (just to clarify) that we're out of premod in the pub smiley - rofl

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 30


Well you might be free but I have veeeerry expensive tastes myself smiley - devil

smiley - dragon

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 31


Yay Hol!!

Pleased to hear it!

I am jolly expensive myself

smiley - erm

smiley - blush

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