This is the Message Centre for holly

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 1


Ok I'm avoiding chatterbox on the main board until the double standards are sorted out (not chatterbox in particular but all the board especially NAF threads) I don't want to bitch or cause any trouble but I'm sick of people being able to pick on others and laugh at them, and then when they get some stick back they are unable to take it. So peeps this is my h2g2 page, (hope all you other posters smiley - winkeye, you know who I mean have had a good look at my HISTORY and seen this) and it doesn't have to be about food and to a certain point I can make my POINT smiley - evilgrinsmiley - monster

I'm kind of having a pathetic little mini protest smiley - grr over on the food board and all are welcome to come and join us over here. Lots of smiley - hug's. 99.9% of people are lovely over there but some of them just have to spoil it and they are a minority. I always said i was good at putting my smiley - footinmouth PSD, LO, rTM, cheezy, dev, ice, purp, carol, booti, ccl etc. etc. please feel free to come and abuse my h2g2 LOL smiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - hug

smiley - peacedove

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 2


smiley - wah Nobody loves me smiley - wah

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 3


Yes we do smiley - loveblush

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 4


Ah thanks Purp smiley - hug

I'm sending lots of smiley - hug and smiley - cuddle your way for you and your Mum, if you need anything at all hun, just shout and I'll be there.

Take care of yourself hun smiley - hug

smiley - holly

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 5


Still no reply to my email to the mods smiley - grr

They must all have taken the day off smiley - erm

smiley - holly

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 6


What have i missed?smiley - wah

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 7


Hi Hun,

You may have a point about the double standards.

Cap'n got a post pulled for mentioning horizontal lambada whilst purps, royal and myself didn't get pulled up once for mentioning the S word.

I commented on it but still nothing was said and as far as I am aware Cap'ns post is still pulled.

It was his first post this week too!! smiley - devil

smiley - dragon

And dont worry about smiley - footinmouth that is why we you so much.

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 8


Thanks PSD smiley - hug

They've still not replied back to me, so I really am sulking with them. Poor Captain, someone obviously thinks he's related to me smiley - laugh

I'm having more fun on here and facebook smiley - laugh

smiley - holly Lisa xx

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 9


I've been having a play on fb today and my head now hurts! smiley - laugh
I'll have to scout out some photos

smiley - hug
gottasmiley - runschool run time speak Wednesday



New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 10


Bye Dee smiley - hug Speak to you soon smiley - biggrin

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 11


smiley - boing

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 12


smiley - lighthouse

smiley - rofl

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 13


smiley - boing

I have been having fun on facebook too!!! smiley - rofl

Really missing all you guys now that I am stuck at home. Have been in bed most of the week due to well alcohol poisoning!!!

Not good at all.

smiley - dragon

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 14


Soupy it sounds like you have had a blast of a week smiley - bubblysmiley - stiffdrink all round.

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 15

Devonian Fossil

Ooh, just found this one! smiley - ok

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 16


Help someone fill me in, what's been going on smiley - whistle

I've been awol this week and the bloody router has gone down at home so I can't even catch up there smiley - dohsmiley - grr

What have you all been up to without me smiley - rofl Oooh I've really missed you all smiley - hug

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 17


Morning Holly.

CB has been in a state of disarray this week!! It got a little near the knuckle on Wednesday and after a contribution from Scott loads of posts were modded. He and JRC who was doing her ironing at the time both got banned and the CB shut down. Each successive attempt to open a new one got modded too. Then Common sense prevailed and all returned to normal with a warning from the central communities team about the appropriateness (or otherwise) of some posts!!!

Yesterday is even odder.....we got to 2000 a bit of a delay in starting the new CB as ella wanted DD to start it so PSD started a new one with the title Zebedee with a random roman numeral. It was immediately modded ans was the first 4 posts...mine included!!! Still is as far as I can see but I don't quite understand why. Although out of sync there was nothing inappropriate apart from a reference to gas and air re the birthing!! I suspect there is someone with some time on their hands lurking at lunchtimes!! PSD is quite upset and I can understand why.

So that's more or less the whole sorry tale not quite in a nutshell!!!

I am in and out today as I have the day off so will pop back later. How are things with you??

smiley - smiley

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 18


Carol, thanks for the heads up hun smiley - hug

I'm not too bad at the moment apart from a fractured bone in my foot smiley - doh when they xrayed it on Wednesday night they found out I have an old (approx 6-12 months old) ankle fracture as well that wasn't picked up at the time and it has now healed funny. Flippin casualty departments smiley - grr

I've really missed you all this week smiley - sadface but it's been our year end and I had a lot of outside appointments to go to as well and the stupid router at home has packed up so I can't even get on in the evening smiley - grr

LOL smiley - holly xx

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 19


Oh Holly,

Sorry to hear about your fractures smiley - hug how did that happen?

I sprained my left ankle extremely badly last summmer and went to Casualty, they said it was not fractured, and I hope they were right about that. Unfortunately it's never quite reverted to its svelte old self, but I still live in hope...

I've posted a recipe on the Brum thread for anyone who was following the hair-raising CB antics on Wednesday.....

New Chatterbox , LOL

Post 20


Holly smiley - hugsmiley - hug you are in the wars hunny aren't you x

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