Journal Entries

I'm baaaaaack!

My old space is off-limits since I forgot my password and didn't update when my .Mac subscription lapsed. I didn't even go back to Germany for a visit, even though I had originally planned on moving. Meh, I'm satisfied here (despite the chilliness).

I still have my old journal, but the website's at and my email address is on the front page (first link).

So yeah, I'm back.
I think.
At least for now.
Maybe a little longer.
We'll see what happens in the future.
'The future..." that almost sounds cold.
Can't be much colder than -30 though.
It's only -18 now, not bad.
This wool sweater is really comfy.
So is my featherblanket.
It's on my bed.
I think I'll go there after work.
Mmmmmm, featherblanket... *drool*

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Latest reply: Jan 5, 2004

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