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It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 81


Goodnightsmiley - hug

And hellooooo to cynthesissmiley - hug

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 82


smiley - smoochNighty night CYBERHUMAN!

Hello back at you ff!smiley - hug
*girl talk* Cute cyborg, huh?

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 83


Adorablesmiley - winkeye

How's the lovely cynthesis?

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 84


*girl talk:*whisper whisper*smiley - winkeye*

smiley - biggrinI'm fine! How 'bout you?
What did I miss here?

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 85


*girl talk: I'm not that great at this... whisper, whisper, camera, whisper... how was that?*

I don't know exactly what you missed... lil had her legs open for some reason at some point. Terri and I are united in torturing ALICE, but that spills over into a couple of threads...

And, I'm pretty good. Sitting in bed with my laptop and chocolate.smiley - biggrin

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 86


smiley - laughsmiley - yikessmiley - bigeyes=summarised reactions.

Good to see you're doing what the hootoosmiley - doctors ordered!smiley - ok

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 87


smiley - choc & David Bowie.smiley - laugh

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 88


smiley - coolsmiley - coolsmiley - cool

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 89


What are you up to? Partying?smiley - somersault

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 90


smiley - somersaultsmiley - bubblyOh yeah! I'm partying hearty...*sound of mental squealing brakes*

smiley - geekActually, I'm taking a break from answering the 82 e-mails I found when I came home this afternoon.

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 91


smiley - yikesGood call!

smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - cakesmiley - choc

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 92


smiley - tasmiley - hug

smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblysmiley - silly22 down...60 more to go!smiley - sillysmiley - bubblysmiley - biggrin

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 93


I'll help by eating your chocolate.

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 94


smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocWhat a pal!smiley - biggrin

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 95


Anytimesmiley - winkeye

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 96


*waves hi to FF and Cynthesis*

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 97


Hey JEllensmiley - diva

Care for a smiley - choc?

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 98


Absolutely! I never turn down chocolate.

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 99


smiley - chocfor Ellen.

It's Paaaaaaaaaaarrrtttttaaaayyyy Time!!!

Post 100


Hi JEllen!smiley - hug

Did anyone offer you a smiley - bubbly yet?

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