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Mr.Bluesky Started conversation Jan 20, 2004
Hi Stace,its me aka(supersonic)phil so how are you keeping,im keeping fine,so whats the weather like over there,its wet and overcast over here down where i live.
Take carePhil.
stace8383 Posted Jan 21, 2004
hey hey philby, how goes it Melbourne weather can't be beat, mate. Hot and sweaty one day, raining the next, and then back to dry heat acting innocent as though there hadn't been any flooding at all the day before!
Mr.Bluesky Posted Jan 22, 2004
Hi Stace,im keeping fine well we have had a wet winter down the way where i live,had a few frosts and cold days,but just lately its been wet and very mild,mind you that could all change next month and also in March.
Well its a good job i dont live in Melbourne if if its hot and sticky,as i cant stand 2 much hot weather.
Anyway you take care. Phil.
stace8383 Posted May 23, 2004
i'm pretty sweet. been pretty busy, with one thing and another. new boyfriend, work, catching up with old mates. *nod* been good.
Mr.Bluesky Posted Jun 8, 2004
Hi Stace,glad to hear that you have been feeling good,well talking about mates seems i cant trust some of mine at the prsent moment,so thats why i dont have anything else to do with them.
So what is the weather like over there,over here in in the uk its a hot day about in the 84s,which i find far to hot,but im not going to grumble.
Anyway you take care.
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