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Now, when was that deadline....

Post 21


Hi UH smiley - winkeye
Indeed I do!
I think that I may have something for you actually... we lost our roving reporter a while back... who visited all the clubs and societies of h2g2 and interviewed the instigators and members! With this new look h2g2, I think a lot of new... and old... clubs will soon spring up!
I think it will need to wait a week or two to let everyone get settled though!
The good thing is, that if it features in the Post and they have original gifs to complement their page, the Post can host them... as far as I know anyway smiley - winkeye
shazzPRME smiley - magic

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 22

Uncle Heavy [sic]

fantastic. I shall get ready to interview myself.

smiley - smiley

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 23

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Ah!!! Good to see you, Uncle!!! smiley - winkeye

...are you implying that you are creating a new club, pub, or dance hall!??

::giggles at the thought of Uncle Heavy's Dance Imporium::

Now... with Unc being a Muse, would this restrict him from interviewing the Musehome as we open more and more facets!??

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 24


Not at all... after all Monsy interviewed herself in the 1-2-1! LOL

Maybe you would like to cruise through the old RR articles and see what sort of thing went on?

They start in the issue dated 24.07.00... page A401275smiley - winkeye

shazzPRME smiley - magic

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 25

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Well, not only that, but I'm 2nd in command of CHOPPERS. as you can probably tell from my title. d'uh.

smiley - smiley

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 26

Witty Moniker

shazz, could you clarify the hosting of gifs by the Post? Do you mean just within the article or on the club page itself? And would that be retroactive for the places previously featured in Post articles?

I had a very tacky, badly rendered, modified clip art on my 24-Seven convenience store page. It ain't much to look at, but it was mine. I'd like to find a way to display, it if at all possible.

There's a link on the 24-Seven page ( to the Google cache that still shows the picture.

Hopefully yours,

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 27

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Unc's a busy guy!!! smiley - wow!!!

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 28

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yes. ver cosmopolitan man about town and all that. I can only just fit you into my schedule

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 29


OK... Witty smiley - winkeye
As far as I know... and I will try to get clarification... if the pictures already have 'blob' numbers, then they have been cleared for use within h2g2. That therefore means that the ones which you see in the excellent RR article are there for you to use on the club page.

I have lifted the 'store' picture and will see if I can get it 'blobbed' for you, although I know that it will be a couple of weeks before this service will be available for me once more smiley - winkeye

Remind me around the 26th March and I will get onto it for you! You may be asked to sent an email to the Towers/Bush (LOL) confirming that the gif is all your own work and that you give permission to h2g2/the beeb to use it!

shazzPRME smiley - magic

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 30

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

So when is the first deadline Shazz...just so i can miss it smiley - winkeye

Mind you if i go as slowly as the server is atm my report won't be ready until october...2003 smiley - sadface

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 31


Hi Linus smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - winkeye
OK... the deadline for copy is midnight CET on next Monday... so that is around breakfast time on Tuesday for you!
I am trying to get my brain around some new guidelines to sent to all the PR's... so bear with me please smiley - winkeye
Publishing the Post again wouldn't be the same without your pitiful excuses for missing deadlines! LOL
shazz smiley - magic

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 32

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Now you tell me !!!

I'm going away tomorrow night until tuesday...

I will try to do it before i go tomorrow...or not smiley - winkeye

Shall we start another of our conversations btw?

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 33


Good idea smiley - winkeye
I think the Wallowing in Dirty Nappies banner better be transferred to Wowbagger though! ROFL
I'll drop by and pester you!

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 34

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Happy to pass that one on actually...

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 35

Witty Moniker

Thanks, shazz... will do.

Oh, and here's a home made carrot smiley - cake with cream cheese icing for all your trouble. smiley - winkeye


Now, when was that deadline....

Post 36

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Do you want me to do anything yet? Or can I jsut sit back and feel smug?

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 37


Hi UH smiley - smiley
I think... seeing as you were in the ezboard, it would be great if you could gather up the thoughts which people posted in there as to how they were surviving without h2g2 smiley - winkeye
The thread was actually called 'How the Users survived it'smiley - biggrin
Write an intro... include some (but possibly not all... up to you!) of the comments made and then maybe say how it feels for you personally to be back in the goo. How does that sound?

If you want to, you could go even further and tell those who weren't at ezboard all about the various temporary refuges that were all set up... although that would probably make another article all together smiley - winkeye

I think it best to wait until the rest of the h2g2 are back before embarking on the around the clubs/societies idea as it may be helpful for them ( and newbies! )

Thank you for volunteering and welcome to the PR team smiley - winkeye

shazzPRME smiley - magic

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 38

Uncle Heavy [sic]

OK then, I shall see what I can do.

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 39


~Greebo scratches her pretty little head~

Is oxymoron a naughty word????

Now, when was that deadline....

Post 40

Uncle Heavy [sic]

dont think so - unless you are really offended by concise paradoxes.

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