Journal Entries


Important information read this!! I have been notified that a devistating new Millennium virus that could potentialy destroy the world as we know it! This newly discovered virus affects thousands of spell checking devices found in many word processors. This new virus causes spell checkers found in word processors that are not Y2K compliant, the virus keeps spell checkers from detecting a misspelled word, namely the word "Millennium". Evidence of this wide-spread virus are already showing up. An online search for the word "Millenium" (notice the second 'n' is missing) shows 695,137 results. This virus could consequently destroy the world by, well I haven't figured that out yet, but I'll get it sooner or later!

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 1999

Good to be Back

I have not been able to update my page for a while, I got a new computer and have had trouble getting access to my page. You can expect more updates soon.

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Latest reply: Oct 22, 1999

Wow! This has been an Interesting week!


Another week and I don't even know what to say about it! There, i glad I got that over with. Anyway, I like all the new improvements that have been made recently, like the ability to change the format on the guide entrys. I figured out before the changes that this thing treats the guide entrys as html files(thats how I got all the neat stuff on my page {hint hint smiley - winkeye}). My page has been somewhat of a failure, no one has used any of the neat stuff I've put on my page. I know I'm prolly bein hard on myself, it's only been three weeks. I think I'll focus more on adding content to my page, thats what people search for. If you have any comments just find the "mail box" link and type away. sigh...

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Latest reply: Sep 11, 1999



Hello! I'm glad you are reading this, If you are not reading this then please start reading this NOW... Not many people in here lately, 66 people is pretty good for my first week. I have not added much to my page, kinda waiting to see if more people come here first.

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Latest reply: Sep 3, 1999


 8/31/99 Hello! I hope you are enjoying my page, I have put a lot of effort into making this the best page in the guide. Okay, maybe not that good, but pretty damn good! If you were offended my that last remark please mail me by clicking on the <A href="/forumframe.csi?forum=19751&thread=17761">Send mail link.. Anyway, I plan to use this journal space for Announcements and other neat stuff, I'll try to add something twice a week at least. Please remember this site! Due to the ability for anyone to submit stories, you can expect many intersting H2G2 entries.

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Latest reply: Aug 31, 1999

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Chaotic mass

Researcher U54910

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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