This is a Journal entry by Chaotic mass
Good to be Back
Chaotic mass Started conversation Oct 22, 1999
I have not been able to update my page for a while, I got a new computer and have had trouble getting access to my page. You can expect more updates soon.
Good to be Back
Jan^ Posted Nov 10, 1999
Great page CM - I love your surreal art gallery too. You can now delete user pages by the way - click on edit and there is a delete option, but you probably know that now anyway.
Good to be Back... Again
Chaotic mass Posted Nov 13, 1999
Thanks for checking out my page, I haven't updated it for a while (too lazy((Can't think of anything good to put on it))). I didn't know about the new way to delete things, thanks for telling me! My "surreal art gallery" was not meant to be that. That was one of my first postings when I found out that you could use HTML in guide entries. I posted it once, then I found out it didn't work so I hit the back button and fixed it, looked at it and found something else wrong so I het back again and fixed it so on and so on. Well it turns out it would post another entry each time I did that.
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Good to be Back
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