This is the Message Centre for $u$

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 41


I dropped by for one hour... and stayed for five and a half! It's now 2.45am on a Monday morning, and I'm crawling off to my bed...

G'nite all... *zzzzzzzzzz*


The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 42


I know what you mean. And if anyone's replied to any forum you've been in, you're so curious you have to see what they say, and by the time you've seen and commented on them, there are more replies to look at. It never ends!

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 43


Hey, there is a thread about dreams, you could add this...everyone just tells the nightmare from last night, e.g. h2g2 sucked me into the computer, and I was lost in the bits...and I couldn't find my pizza either.

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 44


There are so many threads, and I want to be the first person to make a posting in them all!!!!!!!!

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 45

C Hawke

You know when you are a true addict when you design another silly on-line game for other addicts to play, as if! BTW why not visit here: for another silly on-line game


The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 46

Dancing Ermine

Looks like a good idea, I might join later though, I never was one for entering game shows, just laughing at the contestants.smiley - winkeye

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 47


I'm sure you can do that too!

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 48

Dancing Ermine

I'm intending to.

teeheeheesmiley - smiley

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 49


GOOD NEWS! The official* H2G2 Addiction Clinic is currently under construction, and will soon be opening it's doors to offer support, sympathy and a nice hot cup of tea to the afflicted... erm... I mean, interested! WATCH THIS or that SPACE!


*Well, official in so far as it's mine... all mine...

The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 50


Which space are we watching 'Sus? Its like a tennis match here trying to watch both! smiley - smiley


The H2G2 Addiction Continues...

Post 51


Ahh... Mr Cheerful... I want a word with you... perhaps catch up with you one evening this week...? smiley - smiley

And surely, it's gone beyond 'both'... into larger multiples...


Watch this space

Post 52


I think by "watch this space" he means we should all become astronomers.

Watch this space

Post 53

Dancing Ermine

And play spot the constellation?

Watch this space

Post 54


Good idea....

What's this one:
; |
. .

Watch this space

Post 55

Dancing Ermine

It looks suspiciously like Orion.
smiley - smiley

Watch this space

Post 56


No idea! But who can recognise my favourite...



Watch this space

Post 57

Dancing Ermine


Watch this space

Post 58


It was supposed to be orion, but it's very hard to do ascii art here..
How about Cassiopiea?

Watch this space

Post 59

Dancing Ermine

I've no idea what cassiopeia(sp?) looks like.

Can you guess this one:


And for those south of the equator:

. |

But there already is a Place

Post 60

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hey 'Sus, you build that clinic yet? Cos there already is a home page, what I constructed about 7-10 days ago (an eternity in h2g2 time) called H2G2 ADDICTS SUPPORT GROUP. Uh, I forget the page number. I'll let you know when I log on later.

Meanwhile, you can find a link to it from my home page.


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