give me a while ,and ill decide what to do with this,... until then ,such a thing as a title would have to be either meaningless

I am confused.. I have only just signed up.. and i do not yet have much of a clue what i am doing. so i stared at a fractal pattern for 3 minutes with a tap dripping quietly in the background, until i had got myself really nice and irritated, and then i decided i didnt like all this blank space. I also realised i was annoyed at the fact that, for once, everything on a site was being helpful. I am not used to this, and as all new things are initially annoying until you can think of a particularly good reason why they shouldnt be, i was altogether pretty frenticrized by the time i came to write this. hence the experimental approach to tense and grammar. im honestly not too sure that anything is happening when i press this button.. though it assures me it is.. couldnt we have some sort of loading bar or bouncing ferret to inform us of progress? website found, waiting for reply eh? we could be waiting a VERY long time now couldnt we? want a toffee? ..oh well.. ive tried 3 times to get this to work, and each time has ended up with me calling my browser a faschist and storming off to get myself a cup of tea... i get the feeling that i may have accidentally asked my computer to make a list of all the things its ever done wrong, and its spending all its tiem doing that rather than getting on with the job.. this was sposed to be a profile at one stage it turned into a complaint.. do you like hedges? i think they're a great idea.. keep the sheep in..

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