All about Neil
Hello. This is me - Neil Gall (Researcher 54410), Edinburgh, Scotland. Married to Beth, who runs and gets blisters under her toenails. How does that work? Aren't nails there to protect the bits underneath? I don't run, although she's trying to persuade me to start. I cycle to work and go rock climbing instead, which are much more fun than endless hours pounding on your knees and getting blisters under your toenails. Did I mention those? I suppose I'm a Software Engineer, but like many at my place of work haven't engineered much software lately. Pointy-haired managers. Bugs me silly. Enjoy a pint or two, play far too many computer games but crap at chess. Recently took it upon myself to look after the lawn in the shared garden - must be getting old. If I don't watch I'll end up in suburbia.Conversations
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Day 1 | Aug 23, 1999 | Aug 26, 1999 |
Researcher 54410
Researcher U54410
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