hello and welcome to my personal space

A pink and gold dragon on an inkpot

my name is Michael im from Dudley in the West Midlands

i used to use h2g2 not so long ago but when the system changed i couldnt get on with my old username which was Dragonheart....i also used leisure district too my username on there was shane007

if there is anyone out there in the big wide world of h2g2 please feel free to drop me a msg or contact me on [email protected]

A green dragon

my interstes are playing pool most types of music having a laugh and a drink also i am interested in the paranormal and ufos

plz feel free to drop me a line



Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Hello No Posting May 1, 2009
*Merry Christmas* No Posting Dec 21, 2008
What I've been upto since i last came on h2g2 No Posting Feb 8, 2008
Like it or Dislike it Game No Posting Jul 28, 2007
My Diary No Posting Jul 28, 2007


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