Nick Roberts (debater)

The first really weird thing I've got to get used to is writing XML with upper case tags. Trust me, that is really weird. For me, anyway. All right, you like upper case tags, but I can assure you that in all my XML writing experience I have never come across any DTD that used upper case tags (except for the odd acronym). Sorry? I'm waffling? All right, I'll get on with it.

Sadly — really sadly — the word 'nerd' about covers it.

That is sad isn't it? Still, I'm not going to go on about it.

Well, surely one of the hardest things in the world to do is to write about yourself? What is there interesting to say about me? Oh, I knew there was something. I write. Not for a living (unless you count programs, and if you do then that is really sad), but for a hobby for the time being.

Ah, but I didn't say I write well, did I? I just said I write.

So there.

Sorry? What do I write? Well, I've had a stab at fantasy fiction sort of stuff. But possibly that's not quite my forté. I fancy myself at the moment more in the line of contemporary fiction thriller sort of thing (but more along the lines of pathos and characterisation than John le Carré global meltdown political intrigue). But, if so, I've yet to get started. I'm still looking for a good plot (in which to bury the transcript once it is written, so it never, ever gets published).

Oh, and I'm trying to save the universe from the clutches of a certain W. Gates III by writing an operating system that will supercede Windows and be used by the entire planet. But that's dull.

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welcome to h2g2 debater Dec 7, 2003


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Nick Roberts

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