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Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
I don't know why, but as we keep chatting, it seems I like him very much Why
He's not appeared yet on the messenger, maybe his computer has crashed out again, so that he can't be online, I hope.
Because it's been over 16 years since I was there, I, now, really want to go back to England
It's too far to me at the moment
Want to meet you as well
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Billy60 ... Posted Sep 5, 2005
If his computer was ok ..... I am sure we would have heard from him ... ??? ..... so yes maybe he has problems ....
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
I hope so.
I know you've met him before.
I think he's very nice guy. Do you think the same as well?
It's pity that I couldn't see him when I was 20s
lol lol lol lol
Ohhhh dear, middle aged witch love, it's horrible GRAET
I know he's got his , though
Same kind things always happen to me
I always come "the second", not the first
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
I thought you had
By the way, have you heard from Trish who hasn't come here, too, for ages
Really want to go there
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
It's pity that she's never come here
Maybe she found another enjoyment of her life
Irritated.... Because typhoon has arrived here yet (I mean if it comes now and have severe warning, I don't have to go to teach English, but no warning, I have to go and it'll rain s and
s when our lessons will finish) AND NO RESPOND FROM SHY MAN (I know he opened my e-card which I sent after 9pm there, so I know he can read at least e-mail
LOL. Never mind, he'll keep in touch with us, anyway
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
It's attacking at the very southern Japan, and is approaching here little by little
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
As to the weather forecast said, it would be come over here tonight It goes very slow, but the scale is very big like halicane
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
Oh yes.
Typhoon isn't like that, but this time the "scale" is as big as that hurricane in the US
Hope it'll be weaken when it comes through our area
He hasn't replied me yet
Something wrong has happened
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Billy60 ... Posted Sep 5, 2005
The only things that may have happened is .... he has fallen asleep or his phone just isnt switched on .....
He will re-appear when he can
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
I hope so
Hahahaaha, to tell the truth we've chatted at midnight since middle of August without coming here
That's why I'm upset today. Because we had a rather serious convos last night
Anyway, I hope that is because he has got a computer problem.
You know, it's very stressful becasue of our time differences.
Even with you, it's very hard to contact if you don't work at midnight
I just found out a fairy cheap flight return tickets to London
If I was not on social security, I would go there NOW
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
Not argue, but a little bit complicated convos we had
And because his computer problem, our convos was shut out suddenly (his computer has been shut out). Then I haven't get any message from him. That's why I'm bit upset.
I do hope when he sorts it out, he'll reply me, anyway
Hope he won't peep this thread, LOL
OOOOhhhh I've become very suspicious person. Have to be very
Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 5, 2005
I do hope so
If he won't keep in touch with me, I'll be die
lol too much exaggerated/tall talk.
I believe that he will say something when thing's sorted out
He's such a nice guy, I believe
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Poole Pirates Fan Club ....
- 561: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 562: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 563: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 564: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 565: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 566: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 567: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 568: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 569: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 570: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 571: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 572: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 573: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 574: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 575: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 576: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 577: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 578: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
- 579: Sakaijenne (Sep 5, 2005)
- 580: Billy60 ... (Sep 5, 2005)
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