This is the Message Centre for Sakaijenne

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 501


smiley - pirate
Do you know what International Talk Like A Pirate Day?
It'll be 19th of September (next month)smiley - bigeyes
I didn't know that and I've just found out the web site to explain it smiley - laugh, though I haven't read it yetsmiley - tongueout
It seems interesting smiley - pirate

Taeko smiley - musicalnote

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 502

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Tanzen mentioned it ... but no I have never heard of it .... smiley - erm ???

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 503


smiley - pirate
I chatted with tanzen about the International Talk Like A smiley - pirate Day smiley - laugh

I realised that you're nickname "pirate" was named after "Poole Pirates" of speedway not after real smiley - pirates smiley - roflsmiley - laugh

How's Poole going on? Are they going to win this season, too smiley - magic

Taeko smiley - musicalnote

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 504

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

The Pirate's are in second place at the moment still in with a good chance smiley - ok ...

Its the world cup Final of speedway this Saturday .... Great Britain and Sweeden are already in the final ....... two more will go to the final from Denmark , Australia / Poland and the Czech Republic ...

'COME ON TEAM GREAT BRITAIN' .... smiley - somersaultsmiley - discosmiley - somersault

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 505


smiley - yikes Are there World Cup of Speedway smiley - yikes
I didn't know that smiley - sadface

Where will be it held on this Saturday?
Can you go there or watch the TV?
smiley - biggrin

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 506

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Final is being held in Poland smiley - sadface ...... so I will have to watch it on TV smiley - ok ........

smiley - headhurts

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 507


smiley - rofl
Can't you go to Poland smiley - headhurts

Neither I can't go Poland nor watch the TV smiley - cry

Please tell me the results smiley - ok

Which country is the strongest, do you think? Britan team smiley - doh

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 508

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Sweeden are the currant world champions .... and are favourites again , Great Britain will try but I dont think they are quite good enough smiley - ok ...

I will let you know the result smiley - biggrin

smiley - hug

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 509


smiley - pirate
I think there are some Swedish racers in Poole, aren't they?
Do hope the Great Britain do the best smiley - cheers

Look forward to the result smiley - somersault

smiley - smooch

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 510

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Antonio Lindback - Sweeden

Bjarne Pedersen - Denmark

Ryan Sullivan - Australia

Krzystof kasprazak - Poland

No Poole Pirates in TEAM GREAT BRITAIN ...... smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 511


No Poole Pirates in TEAM GREAT BRITAINsmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

All member is to be the member of the World Cup?
Are there any strongest Britsish member in another team?

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 512

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Scott Nicholls rides for Ipswich ..... Lee Richarson - Swindon ... Joe Screen - Belle Vue ..... Simon Stead - Belle Vue ... Chris Harris - Coventry ....

That is Team Great Britain ...

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 513


smiley - pirate
Hope they will have smiley - cool race smiley - cheers

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 514

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate ...

Me to smiley - ok ...

gotta go now .... catch you later smiley - ok

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 515


smiley - biggrin
Have a sweet dream smiley - star
smiley - envy you 'cos the heat won't be woken you up smiley - yikes

smiley - rose

smiley - cuddle
smiley - musicalnote

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 516


smiley - boing

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 517

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate


smiley - cappuccino

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 518


Morning smiley - yawn

I'm at my cousin's flat, Will stay one week or so smiley - smiley
It's a bit cooler here than Osaka smiley - biggrin
I can escape from horrible Osaka sticky heat smiley - laugh
But when I visited his mother (my aunt(maternal)), I suddenly couldn't speak JAPANESE because I was excited very muchsmiley - yikes My aunt was sooooooo surprised at me smiley - yikes
And my English pitch was faster than usual smiley - laugh

BTW is you home address unchanged? the smiley - diva landlady's?
If I have spare time I'll try to send a postcard from here smiley - ok

Not sure, thoughsmiley - rofl

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 519

Billy60 ...

smiley - pirate

Even if its my last address ... it is my sisters so I will get any post smiley - ok ...

Bet you are happy to be away from the heat for a while ???

Fancy forgetting how to speak japanese smiley - yikes ... smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Poole Pirates Fan Club ....

Post 520


Could you tell me your avilable home address by e-mail?
Then I can send somthing for yousmiley - ok
Just a postcard, thoughsmiley - rofl
No, I don't forget Japanese. I just couldn't speak/utter Japanese smiley - rofl
That's fun NOW
In the past it was really stressful, but when I changed my mind to think 'mmmm It seems that I've got a COLD again', I feel much relaxed smiley - laugh
It's very convenient sometimes, if people think I can't speak Japanese at tourist places, staff is very kind to give me/us infomation smiley - laugh

By the Way, will you join my journal 'ONOMATPEIA' letting know some people's sounds which you use smiley - laugh
If you can't, it doesn't matter. But if you can, please tell me some of them. like aaawwwww, coooo, whatever you think about smiley - oksmiley - laugh

smiley - musicalnote

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