Journal Entries

A day in the life...

So. I woke up this morning, intending to go into Civic to get something from the ABC Shop. They sent me a $20 voucher because I've accumulated $300 of purchases on my ABC card. (Books, CDs, DVDs - the ABC is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, our low-budget version of the BBC.) Nice idea, while it lasted.

Soon after getting up and dressed I found myself restitching my trousers. They just don't make robust trousers like they used to.

Then I got halfway to the bus stop and realised I'd left my monthly ticket at home. You see, I'd put it in he breast pocket of my jacket and then had to change my jacket at the last minute after spilling water all down one half of it. It was 10am and literally freezing - I decided I didn't need a frozen arm, so changed my jacket. It all seemed sensible at the time. But when I noticed I'd left my ticket home it was too late to go back and get it.

So I bought a ticket on the bus, and then a 10-trip ticket from the newsagent so I'd be able to get home again and have a spare ticket for emergencies.

I was halfway to Civic before I realised I'd left the ABC voucher at home.

How was your day?

smiley - stiffdrink Ivan.

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2007

It's all so shiny and new

Welcome to my new laptop. smiley - wow It's flash as a rat with a gold tooth.

So yes, I'm back, but I'm still going to be a bit scarce for the rest of the week. There's a few residual RL isues to deal with - grocery shopping, a feral Minister, real estate agents and sundry other pests. But I'm online again - that's the main thing.

I put Mum in a taxi a couple of hours ago; she'll be well on her way back home now. As much as I like having her here, it's nice to have my space all to myself again. Naturally, I owe her a fair bit, in monetary terms alone. I owe her a couple of thousand for this machine, for a start...

Thanks for all the emails. I've managed to reactivate the pseudo_ivan account, but it won't be as easy to access that account using Vista: I'll have to set up another account on this machine to access that inbox, or just view it via webmail. However I deal with that, it might be an idea if people let me know on hootoo that there's emial waiting for me there - and then I'll have to make sure everyone has my 'real' address and uses that as a first option.

And now I have almost a month's worth of backlog. My head hurts already...

smiley - redwineIvan.

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2007

Tabula Rasa

Technology has struck again. This machine crashed a couple of days ago, and I lost Everything. Links I can mostly salvage from my own memory or from my w*rk PC, but most of my email addresses are lost completely.

This is where you come in, Dear Reader. If you have one of my email addresses already, would you mind writing to it at your earliest opportunity? I'll be able to save your addresses (again) that way. I might even copy my replies to my w*rk account so I'll have a record in case of future disasters.

If you don't have one of my addresses, then feel free to drop a line to [email protected] - it wold be nice to hear from you.

If you have any links that you think I would want, or need, or might just like a bit, they'd be most welcome.

In other developments, I think I might not actually reinstall MSN. This machine is getting a bit old and erratic; it's probably simpler to get a new machine than have this one serviced and repaired; I might stay away from MSN until I have a new machine. (There may be some delay... I never can do these things quickly.)

smiley - stiffdrink Ivan.

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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2007

Pointles geographical thread

Today I found out that there's a place in western Victoria called Patchewollock. smiley - biggrin Isn't that splendid? It's about 80km from Manangatang.

Yes, it's a pointless thread, I know, but I've nothing useful to say.

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Latest reply: May 3, 2007

Infiltrating another site

As is tolerably well known, I have a blog at

I've diversified from text to pictures, with a page at I won't be allowing anonymous comments, but all other comments are welcome.

If anyone wants to have a look, I can be emailed at pseudo_ivan at optusnet dot com dot au.

There's a degree of wierdness in starting a public webpage and not broadcasting the address, I know, but I'd like it to be public without being PUBLIC in big neon letters, if you follow. I might get more open about it later but at the moment it's all so new and shiny and I want to keep it feeling new for a while.

So far the site contains mostly bird and animal shots and a lot of landscape. I plan to use this thread to notify any changes.

smiley - redwineIvan.

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Latest reply: Apr 7, 2007

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