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Things that really get up my nose.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's nearly 3:45pm on a regrettably warm Spring day and I'm waiting for things to happen. One of my semi-esteemed colleagues, who I'll call Godot, is supposed to be coming around sometime after 9am this morning to pick something up. As you'll see from that, he appears to be running a bit late.

This is perfectly normal. He's routinely late on weekdays, in fact I've come to expect that, but when he's supposed to come and get something he needs I'd have thought he'd have organised things better. I mean, what's wrong with a quick text to let me know roughly when he thinks he'll be here?

I thought I'd do a bit of shopping once he'd been and gone. I'm running out of day. I guess it'll be my own personal Buy Nothing Day.

I put off cooking lunch until I couldn't stand it any more, hoping to avoid being interrupted while cooking. I wasn't interrupted by anyone, and certainly not by him.

To add insult to injury, once I was finally sitting down having lunch the second nosebleed of the day started. (Spring. Yay Spring. Yay pollen, and sneezing once a minute, and anti-sneeze pills that don't work as well as one would have hoped.) So here I am, somewhat unenthusiastic about lunch and unable to taste it with these wads of paper towel up my nose stemming the flow of blood.

Sometimes the glamour and excitement of my life are all too much for me.

smiley - redwineIvan.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 2

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I know the feeling smiley - laugh

Personally, by 3:45 pm I would make a point of going out and switching my cell phone off smiley - whistle Oh and sorry, I'm busy tomorrow. You have to teach people I think about what's ok. Unless he has a really good excuse this time.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 3


...sympathy notes on the allergies...

Mine don't usually reduce me to bleeding, but an outbreak of my dust allergy is frequently embarrassing, people around me concerned over the gagging, choking, hawking, retching and vomiting asking if I'm okay.

The only effective medication I've got is something I won't use prophylactically unless I know in advance I'm going to be in an allergenic environment.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 4

Ivan the Terribly Average

As it happens, I do have plans for tomorrow and won't be here for most of it.

He generally does have good excuses - a wide range of good excuses - but I do wish he'd pay more attention to how his acts impact on others. 'No man is an island', and all that.

But mostly, I'd have thought he'd understand that it's not good to irritate the stuffing out of his boss.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 5


I guess it's tomorrow where you are so he should be there soon.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 6

Ivan the Terribly Average

He should have been here seven hours ago... I'd probably better contact him to see where the hell he is, if possible avoiding any terms which cast doubt upon his ability to function independently.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 7

Ivan the Terribly Average

He might be here around 7pm. smiley - rolleyes The excuses were of the usual high quality.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 8


smiley - grr

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 9

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

God, how annoying. Can you tell him how all this impacts on you?

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 10

Ivan the Terribly Average

That's how I spend my weekdays... We're likely to shuffle the staff around early in the new year; I can't wait.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 11

Ivan the Terribly Average

I must also ask his wife how she manages to keep him focussed on anything at all.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 12

Ivan the Terribly Average

On being asked if it was OK for him to come sometime after 8pm, I told him to be here tomorrow at 5pm.

smiley - steam

Apparently there's a bottle of vodka in it for me. I wasn't going to ask for any sort of recompense, but now I'm inclined to insist on it.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 13

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I have a son like that. We've gotten used to it. And he's gotten used to us not being where we agreed on being several hours before. He'll learn. I've told him no employer will have the patience long enough for him to settle in. If he can't change his ways by himself he'll have to consult someone who can, like a therapist of sorts

There may be good reasons/excuses for not calling or texting you why your mate can't be on time. But only twice. Cut him loose the third time. He may have a good excuse for the third time also, but that is his problem, not yours

smiley - pirate

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 14

Ivan the Terribly Average

If I do cut him loose, come Monday morning I'm still his boss...

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 15

aka Bel - A87832164

This really is annoying, Ivan. My husband's reply when I complained that he hadn't called to tell me he'd be late used to be that *I* could call him if I wanted to know!

So in the end I just didn't care any more.

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - rolleyes

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 17

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Tch tch tch, husbands, eh? smiley - rolleyes

smiley - pirate

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 18

aka Bel - A87832164

They aren't all like that, Pierce. smiley - winkeye

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 19

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

My ex once scolded me for never telling her I loved her

I told her "I do too! It's only four years ago I last did it. I remember it was a Wednesday.
And I will let you know if my feelings for you change" smiley - whistle

smiley - pirate

Things that really get up my nose.

Post 20


I think you need to be out at 5pm tomorrow! Just to show him. With a good excuse of course.

Deb smiley - cheerup

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