This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 41


smiley - smiley

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 42

Ivan the Terribly Average

Tartaronne! smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

Did you see that Horsham was flooded a couple of weeks ago? Strange...

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 43

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Sounds like a lot of hot air to me... smiley - sigh

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 44

Ivan the Terribly Average

That too shall pass.

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 45

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind!

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 46

Wilma Neanderthal

*door bell rings*
*Ivan answers*
*throws arms around the host and gives him a neanderthalian hug, minding the ribs*

Hello lovely people smiley - biggrin it looks like I might be back - for now at least.

It's all about winds at the moment, I can't keep up smiley - yikes All howling and yoling downunder, chopping and changing in the Med and just upped and banned in Malawi smiley - lurk

*settles into a beanbag with a hot chocolate to listen to proceedings*

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 47

Ivan the Terribly Average

Wilma! smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin Welcome back!

smiley - cake

The latest weather news here - my aunt in Mildura (north-west Victoria) has floodwater halfway across her front garden, but fortunately nothing in the house. Sandbags have been deployed. My cousin has a flooded garage/workshop, but nothing in his house either. So they've been lucky, but there are more storms on the way...

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 48


Wilma smiley - biggrin Hello again!

Clean up in FNQ smiley - sadface Friends with no furniture that's worth saving... But did you see about that guy who hid in the mangroves with his yacht and came out unscathed smiley - ok

Sugar and banana prices are about to rocket. And it's going to take those farmers years to get back on their feet.

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 49


The bananas will come back quickly and enjoy a better than usual environmental health.

In which Ivan feels a bit glum around the edges, like everyone else.

Post 50


smiley - huh Why, ITIWBS?

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