This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 41

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Perhaps you should put up shutters, just in case??

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 42

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

cassowaries ?? I thought you took penicillin for thatsmiley - erm

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 43

Ivan the Terribly Average

Cassowaries mostly take umbrage.

Not sure about shutters, I might just get a bigger birdbath.

Flood update: (Contains at least one cute photo.)

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 44

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

as I've said many times to friends - chop down the rain forests and the rain has to fall elsewheresmiley - sadfaceand many counties are now getting more than their sharesmiley - sadface

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 45

Ivan the Terribly Average

This is our proper share, but it's all come at once rather than being paced out over a decade.

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 46

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - winkeyegreedy

as long as your ok Ivan and safe with your property from the flooding

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 47

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'm OK and this house is on relatively high ground, so I should keep being OK. If the garden floods I'll cope.

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 48

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - okthat was my main concern my friend, sad about the folk and the area, but a mate of mine is more importantsmiley - smiley

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 49

Ivan the Terribly Average

Ta. smiley - blush

(Goodnight... It's way past my bedtime.)

What Ivan did on 4 December 2010

Post 50

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

kip wellsmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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