This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 41

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

here's hoping "offensive/homophobic/racist/misogynous etc." will be among the things we all 'lose in the fire' at some point smiley - cheers

smiley - pirate

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 42

psychocandy-moderation team leader

What's confusing- and irritating- is that some genuinely racist, homophobic and mysogynist postings are allowed to remain on this site, unchallenged, with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Less offensive stuff is removed. I had a posting removed once for using the word "ass", while someone else was allowed to use truly crass words for both male and female genitalia- words I'd be fired on the spot for speaking at the office- without even using asterisks!

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 43

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i'm amazed this kind of people show up here - and stay

luckily most of them don't smiley - zen

smiley - pirate

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 44

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Yes, that's true. There are far, far many more perfectly nice people like the ones in this converstation. smiley - zen

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 45

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes, we're all nice, perfectly or otherwise. smiley - cool It's those people out there who worry me. They're just bizarre sometimes.

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 46


I'd agree we're all nice on here...but we do get cross & try & express that (despite les filthers) if anyone seems to be unpleasantly phobic about peoples race, creed, sexual preferences etc.

As to the 'Asian' thing, i am probably half Indian, half Irish, but brought up as English. If push came to shove; i'd probably think of myself as Irish, but had no difficulty fitting into Pakistani society. I also would see the term 'Asian' as meaning the Far East (far from where??,), not India, Pakistan etc. So, technically i am part W!

The French i have known have varied, one i lived with for a yearsmiley - elf didn't shower for the entire time,or brush his teeth, i managed to wash his hair twice under protest, but he did keep his hands & naughty bits very clean, his principle being "who is interested if i have clean elbows or not/washing takes natural oil from the skin"

Another one bathed fanatically & required vast quantities of products to do so.

The German guy i live with now showers every day, but doesn't use soap, just water & is fussy about washing after naughty stuff.

None of these men smelled bad; so, goes to show, different strokes for different folks!

Not seen any overt signs of racism here in this small Irish town; nor homophobia, nor anti-mainstream at all; it may be very different in big towns like Dublin though.


Would I stay or would I go?

Post 47

Ivan the Terribly Average

Canberra's pretty good at avoiding that sort of thing too. It's a small city, small enough that ethnic ghettoes haven't been able to form at all (350,000 people and 200 ethnic groups, apparently) and there's also a few thousand foreign diplomats roaming around the place. Caucasians form a majority, but within that racial group there's no truly dominant ethnic group, so in a sense everyone's in a minority.

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 48

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i am half danish, half german and half polish (the latter accounts for my overweight) and it is essential for me to shower at least every morning smiley - zen

smiley - pirate

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 49


Doesn't that dissolve the polish?


Would I stay or would I go?

Post 50

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - rofl if it would i would shower thrice a day smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 51

Ivan the Terribly Average

Now you tell me. I've spent so long in the shower, hoping to dissolve the excess...

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 52


Excess? Excess poles?Sounds like a Woody Allen joke. Which reminds me:

Q: 'Why do budgerigars do well in life?'

A: 'Because they suck seed'

smiley - run


Would I stay or would I go?

Post 53

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - roflsmiley - ok

smiley - pirate

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 54

Ivan the Terribly Average

*struggles desperately with self in a bid not to make a truly crass comment*

*struggles some more*

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 55

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I have a feeling we've thought up a very similar crass comment, Ivan. But I'm much too ladylike to say such things. smiley - winkeye

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 56

Malabarista - now with added pony

So has everyone seen this headline by now?

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 57

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

finally somebody supports my views smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 58

Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh dear. What a naughty sub-editor they must have in Peterborough.

Would I stay or would I go?

Post 59


PC; 'ladylike'????

The red tape stuff gets to me i must say, for instance, there's a scheme here called 'REPS', Rural Environmental Protection Scheme, where small farmers with diverse wildlife habitats qualify for a (very!) small grant to maintain the wild areas, encourage birds etc.

P is in the scheme & today there's a letter (in very poor handwriting) saying he hasn't declared a tiny bit of land about 5 metres square so will lose the grant if he "doesn't consult his planner"

Luckily he will be back from Norway before the time limit & has a planner friend; the land is 'commonage' though, so now he will have to hassle all the neighbours also.smiley - grr

Send us a spare kanga Ivan; we will place it in that area & then qualify for 'rare species in Ireland' grant!


Would I stay or would I go?

Post 60

Ivan the Terribly Average

A *handwritten* letter? That doesn't sound right, somehow.

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