Journal Entries


Who'd have thought the galaxy could be so full of exciting things?

I originally meant to contribute some steady material to this project, and to develop a home page worth looking at, but just got so sidetracked on perusing the site. I reckon I've introduced myself with some postings and test submissions for any poor soul that would happen to be interested, or who should pop by on the off-chance - albeit accidently. Now I think I'll have to bring some serious will-power into play and somehow avoid posting or reading up on other entries until I can sit down and do some serious work here.

Given the task to write anything about something in the whole galaxy opens up such a humongous array of possiblities that it's kind of hard to know where to start! So :

Thinking Cap - on;
Fingers - ready;
Bum-scratching Facility - active;
Coffee Machine - standby;
Jaffa Cake Supply Tin - full;
Lights - out;
Curtains - drawn.

Look out Guide, Here I Go.

Maybe I could just pop on over to ask h2g2 one more time before......, or perhaps just one more quick look at the daily five and then......

Discipline, Boy - D-I-S-C-I-P-L=I-N=E!

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 1999


 Oooops! Big Time.

Just rememberd that the guide has a policy on advertising. found an amusing little game to put on my own page recently - well, it's not a page yet, more a collection of general musings, I will design one eventually but I just get so involved in browsing the other postings, that I don't seem to have the time to do so yet, by the way this is a bloody long sentence - just to pass the time you understand, and it was pointed out to me that this was 'blatantly commercial' as it was designed by a search page with a link to it on - but then what about things like fastcounter, so maybe it's ok, but i'll not put it back on until I find out - anyway, sorry guys! It wasn't intentional.

On another point entirely, but not really, 'The Guide' sure is coming along well. All us new users - who'd have thought?

Now I come to think about it, I think it was sometime around April 1999 that I first discovered the site, but at the time it seemed to be just another forum full of stuff, so I didn't bother registering at the time - how wrong can a guy be?

A couple of months later I came back and just kind of 'lurked' for a while until I discovered 'The Index', and it seems to have swamped virtually every other aspect of my life for the moment. Is this a good thing or not?

I'm sure I'll find out eventually. I don't want to end up having to make a film with the opening title 'in (whenever) 1999, this guy dicovered A year later, his dried out husk was found hunched over a keyboard, these are his postings'.

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 1999

Ahem.....*sheepish embarassment*

 Thank you, editors. They're back. However, you didn't delete the second last one - that is, the one before the one before this one - I think.

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Latest reply: Sep 22, 1999


 shortly after posting an entry about the protype guide with some purely unintentional criticisms of the editors, all my journal entries and postings dissappeared.

Help. I was only joking about the criticism.

Why are the editors persecuting me so!

Is this part of 'A Global Conspiracy', or is it a purely unintentional error on the editors part?

Bring back my Jounals!


Oh, except the second last one which wasn't really interesting to me. They are my journals, and I want them back. You guys have my email address so if this is blackmail on your behalf, send the ransom to that address.

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Latest reply: Sep 22, 1999

dont panic

 Just found out on logging on today that the prototype for 'The Guide' - a hand held device with connection and possibly later with GSM, has been developed and may be in the shops by as early as next year. Not only this, but H2G2 is going to be the main data source.

You mean, this site is about SERIOUS stuff???

Nice to know the editors of the guide are keeping us all informed of this - discovered the news on another technology site. I'd have though this news would be included on the main home page of H2G2, but maybe that's just me.

Help, i'm panicking. I can't believe if posted a mild criticism of the editors in my journal - honest, it wasn't intended, it was a just a knee jerk reaction. *crawl*

This news is just so absolutely staggering, that I had to post it somewhere.

Oops, haven't checked the index to see if there is actually any news about this yet.

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Latest reply: Sep 22, 1999

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