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Any badger or birdie action to report on, Websailor?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Started conversation Jun 16, 2012
I miss your column in , dearie. Anything new on the badger or fox front? We are enjoying our blue jays, cardinals, titmice and grey squirrels here. I miss our hedgehogs. They are funny creatures and the pygmy ones make great pets and because of our killer
s are the only other pet we can safely keep.
Any badger or birdie action to report on, Websailor?
Websailor Posted Jun 17, 2012
I am so sorry Elektra, I have been so busy working on my house since I lost my husband I don't have a lot of time.
I also seem to have writer's block as I can't get motivated. Too much on my mind I think, as I need to get long overdue work done soon.
The badgers are still coming though I think they may be miffed with me at the moment as I have been away for a week, but at least it has rained a lot so they will get plenty of worms. I will see if they come tonight.
The birds are quiet here too. I think they are totally confused with the stupid British weather, as we all are! Two days I had a water bottle as I was so cold then the next two nights I had the fan on and the window open. Crazy.
I will seriously think about what you said, it is most kind of you, and if I can muster the necessary enthusiasm I will let you know.
Any badger or birdie action to report on, Websailor?
Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post' Posted Jun 17, 2012
Bless you lady, sorry the weather over there is so odd, we are sort of having spring weather here when most years it it at least 30 degrees by this time, I hope you enjoyed your time away, and will look forward to your contributions when you feel ispired to share with us, keep .
Any badger or birdie action to report on, Websailor?
Websailor Posted Jun 18, 2012
Badgers have forgiven my absence and came to feed last night They don't like the long grass on the lawn as it tickles
but it needs to dry out before I can cut it!
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Any badger or birdie action to report on, Websailor?
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