Hi. I'm Kate. I'm 14, just.
At the moment, I love summer. It's great. I usually hate summer. It's just a few months of unbearable heat between the millenia of unbearable cold and rain. Ridiculous. But this summer I'm happy, and it's rather nice.
Other stuff I like at the moment is my hair. I've just had it cut, and the novelty of not having it swinging round the shoulders hasn't worn off yet. I'm glad it was cut off, If you'd stuck a beard on me with my old hair I would've resembled a man. Lovely.
I also love my friends. Endlessly amusing, and to be honest, I'd much rather they were my friends. They'd make incredibly confusing enemies :)
Other stuff I can't be bothered to wax lyrical about includes MSN Messenger, swings, chocolate, Pritt Stick, piercings, music, and wearing the same jeans for weeks on end.
I thank you for your time. Goodnight.
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i believe | Jul 9, 2004 | Mar 6, 2008 |
SKATERS RULE....townies drule!!!!!! | Jul 9, 2004 | Nov 4, 2007 |
[no subject] | Jul 9, 2004 | Jul 15, 2006 |
Since no-one's posted... | Nov 27, 2003 | Aug 13, 2005 |
10 things I hate about meat eaters | Jul 12, 2004 | Aug 5, 2004 |
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