This is the Message Centre for SimoneTrillfigner

Welcome Simone!!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm poppin' in as one of the ACEs here or assistant community editors. We greet/welcome new registrants like yourself & give them a few tips for gettin' about the site. Since you asked about the smileys, just check the long list @ A155909 . It has simple instructions for creating each of 'em, & you can refer back to it at anytime by typing smileys into the search window. Ooh, need to smiley - run right now, but should be back soon. Bye *waves*

Welcome Simone!!

Post 2


Hey thanks for the reply. smiley - smiley It helped believe me. I have a final Fantasy forum but everything there is well, simple. ^_^hehe. but ya, have fun

smiley - elfsmiley - whistle Simone

Welcome Simone!! pt. 2

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ok, disaster, being new you might want to go to the 'I am new, what do I do now?' page @ A868098 , or I suppose for a welcome other than just mine you can go to A53146 , thats the 'Welcome page'. You might also want to look at 'spicing up your page' @ A690518 , or possibly the 'picture gallery' @ A692741 .

You might be interested to know that h2g2 has it's own newspaper <./>thepost</.> which comes out every Thursday. If you find any terms that confuse you, you should be able to find a definition in 'h2g2 jargon' @ A632431 . And, like most communities h2g2 also has a number of Clubs & Societies, you'll find those listed @ A660340 .

Feisor, another ACE has compiled a comprehensive list of links to assist new researchers @ A719840 , & another ACE, Shea has one @ A534953 . I hope you find those helpful. Good to have you onboard (so to speak) Simone. Feel free to click on my underlined nickname to visit my space at some point...let me know how you're settling in, ok. Bye for seeing you around I'm sure *waves*

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