Journal Entries

Meianonryou PG-13

actually I think this is a bit darker than the first.... but I think I handled it in a much better way than the first one. And yes I know it's very anime-ish with the fighting and's just that. I have been watching a good stretch of anime and reading some manga so I am maybe a little predisposed to it....though I am sure if I get around to another the Masked Istar will be more quieter about his spell casting.

Oi, so here it is in its umm something or other. Oh did I mention this was a long one. I think it said 52 pages on the format I needed to post it here....

but here we go!

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Latest reply: May 18, 2004

Who Called int the Clowns

Right well, it is finished if anyone truly wishes to read it; it is rated R and I know that this is a family forum, so this is why I put the rating on the title of the entry. I also placed a warning before the story starts. I know that what may seem less than horrible material is rated so stringently by myself but I am aware that the context of the situation is incredibly well.... suspect is a good word. The material addressed is of a sexual and ethical position though the story does have a number of fights in it; none are truly gory; I have yet to master that technique.... my that sounds horrible... This story is dark in a fashion.... and it may seem odd in that it was supposed to be a comedy like its counterparts but it sort of evolved away from me a bit. It's far from perfect and as always I would like some feedback but don't be evil please, I am aware of a few of the mistakes I've made but have yet to find away around them. So again I will stress this is not for young unsupervised children. It is an adult fiction story, it is Rated R for a reason; though it may seem silly to some, I find it better to weigh on the side of caution and let it keep its higher rating.

here it is....

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Latest reply: Mar 12, 2004

Right, well here we go again...

My memory seems to have farted massively. I can't remember my passwords or my question answers... So basically I have moved (sorry Mike and everyone that will have to make a new friends account.) This IS PERMINANT though. I know both and have written them down. So I will be joining you all soon, have a nice day and rejoice in the return of the Pink Power Ranger, you know who you are, and be happy and pleased with h2g2's security upgrade (which has made this whole mess possible). Thank you for your time and patience.

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Latest reply: Nov 18, 2003

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