This is the Message Centre for November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Young aviators

Post 41

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Programming is always thrilling. Oh yeah, and I have a driving lesson at 0700 tomorrow morning.

Young aviators

Post 42


Well, my weekend mainly involved bars, pubs (and the subsequent alcohol content!) Oh and a bit of work too. God I had some annoying customers on Sunday!
But, if programming's what turns you on... lol.
How was the driving lesson?

Young aviators

Post 43

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Bastard didn't turn up. At least I didn't pay for it.

Young aviators

Post 44


That really is quite awful, as customer service goes. At least my flight instructor has always been there. Even if not exactly at the time we agreed!
And as you said, at least you didnt have to pay for it.

Managed to get through any of the Air Law yet? I've set myself a target of completing (and passing!) Aircraft General within the next 1.5 months

Young aviators

Post 45

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Still on Artificial Intelligence.... until Sunday, then I can drop it for nine months.

Young aviators

Post 46


I noticed that you changed your nickname... so what are the only three words that rhyme with Sarge then?!

Young aviators

Post 47

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Find out...

Young aviators

Post 48


Well, I've thought of three within the last few seconds, but I'm sure there must be more! Which words were you thinking of?

Young aviators

Post 49


So how was your weekend?
It appears that you were right about there being only three words which rhyme with Sarge! (unless you count slang or abbreviations)

What are you doing over the festive academic break?

Young aviators

Post 50

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Had Oxford interviews.

Sergeant: "There are only three words which rhyme with Sarge - sausage, passage and massage. If you call me Sarge again I'll massage your passage with my sausage!"

We never called him Sarge again.

Young aviators

Post 51


Lucky You (the Oxford interviews I mean!).

I've decided not to go to uni this year, but will next year. How were the interviews?
I know Oxbridge is tough, my best friend is hoping to study history / Philosophy at Cambridge and she had her interviews the other day.

Young aviators

Post 52


Did you have a good christmas?
Santa bring you everything you wanted? lol

Young aviators

Post 53

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Woops... yeah.

Need to get A in further maths to get to Oxford.

Just got back from skiing in France, using brand new snowblades (got them for Christmas). I fell in love and confused myself again, saw my first dead body and clocked 60mph on two planks of plastic all in 48 hours.

Young aviators

Post 54


Lucky you! lol.
how exactly did the dead body come about?!
though falling in love must have brightened up the holiday somewhat.

i only did mechanics/ pure maths to AS level. i couldnt be bothered with it after that!!

back at college again now?

Young aviators

Post 55

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Not back yet. Got till Wednesday, thankfully.

There was an accident on the journey home. I wasn't involved, but I saw the results, not nice.

Young aviators

Post 56


I, unfotunately, have already begun the new term of college, and am already suffering the delights of economics, geography and sociology again!

I can't imagine it being too pleasant, seeing the results of sn incident like that, so you have my sympathy.

Havn't been flying just lately - the weather has been too awful to even consider it - and im suppossed to be going for my solo crosscountry!!
Are you enjoying the delights of Air Law at the moment?!

Young aviators

Post 57

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

I'm at school now too.

It wasn't bad - it was one of the cleaner ones. Not the first time I've seen an accident anyway.

No, not yet. Got other things on my mind at the moment, CCF stuff. I'll probably get to flying again around half-term (driving test booked then too).

Young aviators

Post 58


Yes, how is the CCF? As fun as ever?!

You really don't know what you're missing on the Air Law... it really is a fun book to read!

So how is school... fun as always?

Young aviators

Post 59

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

CCF is getting boring actually, can't wait to get out and do stuff for real. Same for school smiley - smiley

Young aviators

Post 60


Im sure the time will come when you can join Her Majesty's Forces for real. College tends to be boring anyway, so i can assure you that you aren't alone!!

How was your weekend? Anything exciting happen??

Flying at 1400 tomorrow, im hoping to go on my first solo cross- country flight!!!

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