This is the Message Centre for November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Young aviators

Post 21


Well, I will have to pay the airport a visit some day. I've just passed the Meteorology Exam (did it last night), so I can now continue with finishing the course. I've done 42 hours of the 45 hour course, so not long left to go. Have you read any of the textbooks for the course yet? they really are fun.

Young aviators

Post 22

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

I'm just about to start Air Law for first solo. I doesn't look particularly "fun", but Navigation, Radiotelephony and Technical do.

Where do you fly?

Young aviators

Post 23


I fly from Shoreham (EGKA) in West Sussex. It's a very good airfield, full ATC etc. Air Law really isn't that bad, I passed it quite a while ago. The technical exam is the hardest of the lot, it is the next exam I have to sit.

Met is hard as well, and i'm so glad I passed it last night. I've actually done all of the rest of the flying course, I just have to pass Tech, Human Factors, Flight Safety etc and do my solo navigation flying. I havent flown for a few weeks so I'm going on a few solo circuits next week to check that I still remeber how to do it!

If you want any help with the Air Law, I can try to give you a hand.
When are you taking the exam?

Young aviators

Post 24

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Hell, I haven't even started the book. I've flicked through it, and it doesn't look like any of it is too hard to understand... just have to learn it. I'm a bit busy with Driving and UCAS at the moment.

Young aviators

Post 25


UCAS is fun isn't it?! It's a real nightmare trying to find the course i want to do in this country.
Never really fancied driving.. flying isn't a problem, but the thought of driving is scary, especially on the roads in this country!
No doubt you will pick up the Air Law easily enough, once you've sorted out your AIP from your AIC, and your AFIS from your A/G you can't go far wrong!

Young aviators

Post 26


Read any more of the Air Law yet? Makes great bed - time reading! lol. And after Air Law there are only six more written exams...

Young aviators

Post 27

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

It's not nearly as good as "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" as far as bedtime reading is concerned :P

Young aviators

Post 28


I'm sure that AI makes for absorbing bed - time reading... Not really really into Artificial Intelligence theories myself!! Then again, the books I'm reading at the moment have to be the least interesting ever - Aircraft Technical. But whatever takes your fancy...

Have you done any more flying lately?

Young aviators

Post 29

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Aircraft Technical will interest me.

I'm not due to fly for another couple of weeks. I can't really when I'm at school.

Young aviators

Post 30


Well it is interesting, but there is a lot to learn for the exam. I've only just begun reading it, but so long as you have an ability to understand some basic engineering it isn't too bad.

I hate having to go for ages without flying, don't you?

Young aviators

Post 31

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

I get used to it. I had nine months between my second lesson and third lesson. Didn't atrophy much at all.

Young aviators

Post 32


I just get that buzz, even now, (I've been flying for a couple of years, because due to my age it takes a few years to train, though I can qualify now) everytime I take off. I had to take time out of flying during the AS Exam period, and I really missed it.
I suppose the important bit is not forgetting things between lessons! And I could never let driving come before flying.. nowhere near as much fun!

Young aviators

Post 33

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

It is, however, just a bit more useful in everyday life. The fuel is cheaper too.

Young aviators

Post 34


Well I just stick to Public Transport... its okay when you have one of the best integrated public transport systems in the UK at your disposal though...

I see your point, but the British road network (and the thought of driving on it!) has always been quite daunting.

And who cares about useful, I prefer fun!!
And the fuel's only marginally cheaper than AVGAS!

Young aviators

Post 35

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Best intergrated public transport system in the UK?

Young aviators

Post 36


Indeed, have you never sampled the delights of the Brighton and Hove transport system?! lol. (It's virtually all owned by the same company, and is very good. I've never found any better in the UK!)

So how are u this wet and miserable week? UCAS keeping you busy?

Young aviators

Post 37

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Swear I replied to this...

Brief bout of flu, University interview tomorrow and can't speak. Yay.

Young aviators

Post 38


Hope your interview was okay today, not many places interview these days, so it must be a good uni!
Telling them you are a pilot ought to impress...

Young aviators

Post 39

November235 - There are only three words that rhyme with Sarge!

Not really, it doesn't have much to do with computers smiley - smiley

It went ok.

Young aviators

Post 40


Good, I hope you get in!
Is your weekend as thrilling as mine (!)/ going out etc?

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