This is the Message Centre for Researcher 524695


Post 1

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Thought you might find this funny... Della on a thread called "Lying competition"!


Post 2

Researcher 524695

I had actually spotted that, this very afternoon. I had considered for a few moments posting something along the lines of "Della the Catwoman is an intelligent, gentle, rational lady with two delightful, articulate sons and no racial prejudices or tendencies to violence, and she would make a delightful companion for any man."

But despite what she says (wot? Della's been lying? Quelle surprise...), I do *not* post in every conversation she's in.

On a related note, somewhere else you said:
"Posting a death threat seems to me to be considerably worse than the interpretation of what LeKZ posted....."

What did LeKZ post?
... and come to that, who is LeKZ? I did a search-for-friends, and came up with two blokes called Alekzandr, neither of whom have posted anything much. I did a search on conversations, and came up with... whoah!

Any chance of a two line precis? Top result in my conv search dates back to 2001, and is LONG and more than a bit confusing, and is *way* before my time, so I get the impression this is ancient history.


Post 3

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master The first two pages of the thread will give you an impression; basically she posted a load of xxx's which can be interpreted as being something really quite offensive to two of the then italics. It is also before my time but I came across the threads (and encountered LeKZ through email) and found it all interesting.


Post 4

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

The reason I bought it up was that I found it quite a contrast that something which may or may not be offensive warranted an immediate liftime ban. However an *actual* death threat, there in black and white, no xs and no interpretation by someone who does cross words does not even warrant a temporary suspension.

Like I said I suppose it just depends who you go for eh?


Post 5

Researcher 524695

smiley - weird

I guess the staff nowadays are more blase about the rules. smiley - huh

You're right, it does seem a pretty drastic difference. I can only assume there must have been a LOT of back-story behind that XXXXXX thing, because it strikes me as a good deal milder than quite a few of the things ol' Death-threat Della has posted.

Funny old world...


Post 6

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well as I understand it there was quite a lot of history, UI have read much of what is easily availible. Also last year I spoke to some old timers who were around then like ABC Ben; and the person lots of people think you are Hoovooloo who told a little about it.

It does seem to smack of double standard a bit.


Post 7

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

smiley - laugh Just pootling about to make sure i was getting my full value for money on the matter of the Della/Wraith/Blicky saga and come across this.

Post 2 is possibly the most disingenous thing I've ever seen you post on here, mate.

Top points to you.smiley - ok

smiley - shark


Post 8

Researcher 524695

smiley - huh


Post 9


hi blues,

Surely you must know (or be able to find out) if uttering death threats is illegal in the UK?



Post 10

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Yes it is, but only if the receiver of the threat believes there to be a real danger of the threat being carried out.

As Member seems to have no such belief, and neither does Blicky, then the case fails at the firtst hurdle.

smiley - shark


Post 11

badger party tony party green party

Its still not very nicesmiley - wah

It still was a blatant trangression of house rules.

on the whole I think it is amazingly funny that rockin horse brains got his even more intellectually challenged mother to smiley - footinmouth in such spectacular style. Followed by Appys patheic whineing on his last two threads smiley - laugh I very nearly wet myself.

Though Id still like to see some proper action over the unfounded claims she posted about me being a liar and hijacking her personal space.

smiley - rainbow

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