Introducing Researcher 52317
Commonly known as Paul, and I do mean common. Married, run my own business (purchasing consultancy and training seeing as you were so kind to ask), live in the footballer and stockbroker fringe of Manchester (Hale). I think our house was originally intended as servants quarters. Once upon a time I did a real bad thing (PhD in Physics) and then did another really bad thing (10 years at ICI). Now I am self empowered (which means skint). I am one of the millions who claim to be one of the five thousand who actually listened to HHGG on Radio 4 on it's first broadcast. My father thought it would be a serious programme. The first thing I heard was "Mice? Small furry things with a cheese fixation in 1950's sitcoms?" I stayed tuned.Conversations
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
The Dismal "Science" | Aug 13, 1999 | Aug 23, 1999 |
Bills, bills bills | Aug 12, 1999 | No Replies |
3 August 1999 | Aug 3, 1999 | No Replies |
Researcher 52317
Researcher U52317
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."