This is the Message Centre for Danisbackfromlunch

Major Page Update!!!

Post 1


Give me feedback so I can make it better! smiley - smiley
Is it too much? Too many graphics? or is it alright?

Major Page Update!!!

Post 2


since lots of people write in the other places i thought id be different and write here, i found your page and it is good...well done, i have no idea how to write i html so i can never hope to have a page as good as yours but hey, 42 smiley - smiley

Major Page Update!!!

Post 3


good stuff - i like your page a LOT

can i add you to my referenced researchers? oh and the h2g2 post too?



Major Page Update!!!

Post 4


Yes, you sure can link to my page and the POST Spanner Grrl!!
Not a problem! smiley - smiley

And thanks for dropping in AGE! smiley - smiley I really dig the number 42!
I am currently living on 42 Arkaba Rd *Does this have some deeper cosmic significance??? Hmmm... probably not!


Major Page Update!!!

Post 5


have added links - why so much walking?

the insatiably nosey

Major Page Update!!!

Post 6


Dusty Boots are my Cadillac! smiley - winkeye
I have no car, and for a while there I had no money for busses!!!
smiley - sadface

Things are getting better! This is going to be a good week! smiley - smiley

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