Skoob's Kennel

I've just moved in, so this is a little temporary... hopefully things will take off eventually...

In this opening segment I'll leave a little updater referring to my status, where I am, what I'm doing, etcetera. The biography will constantly be at the bottom of the page; if you want to know about me, scroll down. The stuff further up is what's *really* going on...

]]Skooby Status[[Getting somewhere, but too engrossed in other things.]][[

Curse you Neal Stephenson for your far-too-addictive books!!!

The title says it all really. I have a habit of buying books and then not having time to read them; my floor has piles of the things, and I have half a shelf that I am waiting to read. The thing is, they are books I really want to read; I just don't have the time. Anyway, yesterday I decided to crack on with one of those books on my floor, that I bought before going to Cornwall but never got around to reading, mainly because it was 900 pages and I didn't want to be distracted with everything else I'd brought with me. I opened it yesterday.

Today, 209 pages later, I am very glad I did. The book, incidentally, is Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon. It's about codes and data, and it intertwines a Second World War tale of the breaking of German and Japanese codes, with a present day story about modern day techies setting up a data haven in the Phillipines. Many people in the second storyline are descendents of those in the first - it's carefully interwoven, and if you don't know much about cryptography, it's a fasicnating read at the same time. That said, some bits should be taken with a pinch of salt, though most of it is at least half right. It's gripping, interesting, and you don't notice the length at all... hopefully I'll finish it soon and update this little book report. Thankfully, it is refreshingly witty amidst the tales of war and maths. If you haven't got it, and history, cryptography, the internet, or merely a good thriller interest you, I highly recommend it.

Links of all sorts

Well, here's a list of links to stuff that either interests me or makes me laugh. I'll keep it brief, and include a brief description of the various links.

Need to Know

The Register

TV Go Home

The Brunching Shuttlecocks

Temple ov the Leemur



Sound on Sound

Descriptions Providers of the UK's best online games servers and news.
It's a review of the week's tech news. It's also sarcastic. And very funny.
A great source of info on what's going on in the computing world as it happens.
Fortnightly spoof TV listings. Very, very, funny. Not necessarily for the fainthearted though.
American page in good humour shock! Always worth the few minutes it takes to read an update.
Very funny, very British, very studenty. Great.
The best electronic music site on the net if you want real people's opinions.
Sonicstate is second to Dancetech, and it hosts some excellent resources.
Of course, if you prefer a good old paper magazine, nothing beats Sound on Sound.

Also, I daren't neglect Nick, who got to bother to update my h2g2 page in the first place. Here's his page.

Your usual kind of biography spiel:

OK, so people are going to wonder just who I am (if they ever come here) because the moniker "Skooby" doesn't give a lot away. Brief run-down...

I'm seventeen, (going on eighteen yada yada) and I live in Cheltenham, UK. I've just finished school and am currently awaiting A-Level (yikes) results before heading off to the big wide world of university. For now I'm trying not to think about them. What I can tell you is that I am going to study English at university and that I'm looking forward to it tons...

Anyway, I've had a reasonably interesting life up to now. For the past two years I've been studying A-levels, and many bits of these are still residual in my brain. For some reason known only to myself (and even then it occasionally seems elusive), I did Maths, Chemistry, English, and Latin. I'm going to study English. Go figure.

On those rare times that I'm not working, I'm usually either doing something musical, something involving a book, watching films, or behind a PC. I'm not going to spend ages outlining what I love and what I hate because that will hopefully become pretty obvious. But basically, things I like include Jazz, electronic music, Jazz, the Hammond Organ, literature, films (especially films), the theatre, computing, half-decent computer games, a decent sense of humour and good comedy and generally being a reasonable person and having a great bunch of friends.

I'm not going to say any more, as it will probably all become a lot clearer soon, and besides, I don't like pinning myself down (I'm far to complex for all that). Hopefully I'll update this page reasonably frequently... and add a decent Guide entry or two!

That's it for now, I'm off to play VF2 for a little before finding a book before bed...


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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