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49 LAA Sicily

Post 1


Hi Ron,

Just thought you might like to know that I have just returned from a trip to Sicily. You might recall that I contacted you some time ago about my uncle Sgt. Frank Holmes who was in 280 Battery. One of his gun crew was killed in August (6th) 1943, and I wanted to visit his grave at Catania. Have you ever tried to get there? It is almost impossible unless you hire a car, and I didn't fancy that (have you seen how those Italians drive!). None of the tourist offices knew about it or how to get there! Anyway by some miracle I bumped into 2 American travellers who very kindly gave me a lift to the cemetery. I found the grave.
There is also a very good museum in Catania about the landings in Sicily and the 38 day campaign.
I recall that you mentioned a friend who was in 280 Battery. He had some photos? I wonder if you could persuade him to post some on this site?
Kind regards
Anthony Evans

49 LAA Sicily

Post 2


Hi Anthony
Just by chance today I was at my old friend Lew Fox's house in NW London when he was busy submitting a new story to the site.
Use this link:
to get to his story and then drop a memo into his personal page or post a response to his excellent tale of the Ghurkas at Cassino.
I personally have not been back to Sicily although I did return to Cassino, see: Return to Cassino (A4062386).
Lew has managed to post a few images with his stories that you may find of interest.
Best wishes

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