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Me - a bit of myself

Post 21


i am not convinced...what pranks have you done? do you have early morning seminary?

Me - a bit of myself

Post 22

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I am in early morning seminary. Most of the time I am there before the teacher, at leaste I was last year- this year is a bit different. My friend and I would hide behind the tables and jump out at the teacher when she would walk into the room and turn on the lights.
We also had the teedy-bear wars. My one friends was determine to kill my other friends teddy bears. I went as far as to hang the bear by it's foot from the door frame. That was fun.
I also pull my pranks at shcool... which is not the best thing to do, but it is fun. And the teacher knows that.
Today I went in with my friends and rearranged our fav. teachers class. He was on trial (a mock trial- they used it for a school thing at lunch, you know have fun) and he was "arrested" before the bell rang, thus leaving his class unlocked. We let our selves in, rearranged the room, and then went to the gym. That is a great way to pend the luch hour, don't you thinK?

Me - a bit of myself

Post 23


Wow...very good way to spend lunch time. all we did today in lunch was celebrate 2 ppls half b-day cuz their real B-day is in the summer and we are not gunna be able to celebrate it we just ate cookies and hung around.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 24

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

That sounds quiet... no offence... boring. Of course I am already planning my next prank. We are going to tie a bell to the door frame so that everytime the door is opened or closed the bell will ring. Hehehe.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 25


well it is kind of boring...but the converstaions we have you will never hear anywhere else! They are the oddest... but we do have our spontious we were bugging everyone in the lobby (we eat there, not the cafeteria) by singing christmas songs like frosty the snow man and Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. i tell ya, no one appreciates our singing smiley - winkeye any way we have a minuture food fight like everyday and there is always a put-down contest... our little group can have fun sometimes

Me - a bit of myself

Post 26

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

my friends and I act out stories at lunch. We all want to be writters, pipe dreams we know

Me - a bit of myself

Post 27


all of us want to be musicians. all my friends are involved in music in sime way. the majority of my friends are in band, some in orchestra, and me in chorus...however i do play an instrument: the piano. I also have friends who want to be writters. they are some of the wackiest people i know...but then, they are also into theatre.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 28

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

hmmm... all my friends that are wanna be writters, and even the one who is an unpublished writter, are very ... um... I don't want to say weird... we are freaks- or individuals. None of really stick out, not too badly. But, when we are together, you can tell you are the authors/actors/wierdos smiley - smiley

Me - a bit of myself

Post 29

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I think that I made a few mistakes in that last post. It is supposed to say that None of really stick out, not to badly. But when we are together you can tell where the authors/actors/weirdos are. smiley - smiley

Me - a bit of myself

Post 30


yes that does make more sense
it is kind of the same way with my crowd....when we get together during lunch...its kind of scary really... i am the way i am all the time though, no matter who i'm with. there are a few of us like that.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 31

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

It depends on what mood I am in. Usually I can be pretty weird on my own. My sunday chool teacher is very weird, always. He is an unpublished author/RPGer/freak. He is really cool.
The prblem with my friends and I is that is isn't just at lunch that we are a bit odd. It's ANYtime/anyWHERE that we get together.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 32


hehehe i know the feeling...but the thing is we only get together during lunch... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn this conversation is getting a little bit old, wouldnt you say?
i am just starting to read the "hitchhiker's trilogy" and i just now understand your name... that is did you come to decide upon that name from them all? anyways...funny books, they are!

Me - a bit of myself

Post 33

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

what? what do you mean about my name? I am a bit confused now?

Me - a bit of myself

Post 34


infinity beeblebrox??? In the hitchhiker's guide to the of the characters is Zaphod Beeblebrox. i was wondering why you did that name instead of... marvin?...Ford perfect?...trillian? there are lzots of odd names in these books....Zarniwoop...Slartibartfast?
just curious...or does the name have nothing to do with the book and i am just imagining things or something of my usual nature?

Me - a bit of myself

Post 35

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

ah yes, my name.
In fact I made up a character for a fan story and that is her name, Infinity. She's an old friend of Zaphod and Ford... in my story of course.
Besides, do a search. There are too many Fords and Zaphods

Me - a bit of myself

Post 36


Nice.... hey! a story! care to share? i love to hear new stories.....or is that an impossible request?


Post 37

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

At the moment, it is a very impossible request as I can not find a good story that works. I think that I will um... yeah... and... see the problem?


Post 38


hehehe i see. i think. oh word of the wise...never play monkey in the middle with a teacher's apple in her class room with her.... oh...and you can never have too many pixie sticks! and yet another one... beware of altoids, they are curiously strong. and two that my friend warned me of...don't eat the fruitcake, it's deadly! and beware of penguins. and the final one someone's dad told them...dont eat yellow snow! that last one i think is the most useful of them all
smiley - smiley


Post 39

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

why beware of penguins? Penguins are cute.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 40


I remember singing Monty Python songs at the lunch table with my friends... ahh, the memories.

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