This is the Message Centre for Antithesis

Me - a bit of myself

Post 1


Okay, perhaps some of you have read my somewhat silly entries in conversations and wonder who I am. I'm kind of new here, you see. Well, my name is Arthur. I live in the United States, Kentucky. I enjoy music by the Beatles, Yes, Bad Company, the Scorpions, Def Leppard, Styx, Foreigner... the list could go on but for purposes of time I'll just say that music is very important to me.
I play the guitar. I'm mormon. I like books and computers. I'm a web page designer. I'm 15. I hang at the mall with my friends. I'm running out of things to say, but hey- if you ever want to say anything to me go ahead. I enjoy talking to people but realize I may not be able to respond for a while since my internet time is limited at home. Thank you...

Me - a bit of myself

Post 2


How limited is your internet? i was just bored and looking for something to do so i went up to the "search the guide" thingie and typed in mormon and your thingie popped up as the last one. if you were wondering why i typed mormon, it's because i just so happen to be mormon myself. Just a question, are you active or just a person who went to it and then quit going after a while?

Me - a bit of myself

Post 3


Well, internet time is limited for two reasons: 1. we have one phone line at home and mom makes calls 2. mom thinks it's a waste of time. Moms can be a pain, at times. Yes, I'm a still active mormon, in fact, my father is the Branch President here. That's about it really. And it's good to know that there are more mormons out there, not just me. Good day.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 4


Do you mind having your dad as a branch president? my dad is a bishop so i hardly see him on sundays. are there a lot of youth in your area?

Me - a bit of myself

Post 5


Sometimes it can be frustrating to have your dad as a Branch President, so I can resent it sometimes, but on the whole I guess it brings blessings in the long run. There are about 20 youth in our branch.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 6


Spoken like a true mormom, hehehe smiley - winkeye yesh well the blessings received may not be seen now but i am sure they will come...but in the meantime...stay cool

Me - a bit of myself

Post 7


I'm trying.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 8


what's that supposed to mean???

Me - a bit of myself

Post 9


You said "stay cool" and I said "I'm trying"... I was saying essentially that I was trying my hardest to stay cool. It was sort of a silly pun really.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 10


sorry am kinda shaky...i have too many friends with problems...some about low self esteem...i suppose i worry too much.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 11


I'm sorry.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 12


what do you have to be sorry about? it isnt your fault. but then, it isnt anyones. that is just life!

Me - a bit of myself

Post 13

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I am NOT the only mormon here! YAY!! *dances around and looks happy*
Branch president? My mom was the president of the YW group. That was a pain... but now our new presidency is straight out of Relief Society... they need to take a happy pill, all of them...
yay, I am not the only one on H2G2 that is a mormon!

bye now!

Me - a bit of myself

Post 14


Wow! i am just finding moromons all over the place now...but that is great i guess...

Me - a bit of myself

Post 15


We ought to start a club.

Me - a bit of myself

Post 16

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I don't think that 3 people are enough to start a club.
Either way, now we know that we are not the only ones. Yay!

Me - a bit of myself

Post 17


sure 3 is enuf. we just gotta find more fact i think i have found like 5 ppl other than myself here...

Me - a bit of myself

Post 18


With only three people, that means we can share a whole lot of official-sounding titles. I can be "Executive Coordination Manager" and "Senior Web-based LDS management engineer". Ooh, that's fun!

Me - a bit of myself

Post 19


ooooooooh lots of fun... i think i will be the president..."remember, i am not only the president, i am a member..." or whatever that saying was... ok whatever.... maybe i'll just be a member...hmmmn or Secretary of LDS Club

Me - a bit of myself

Post 20

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

OK then, I shall be the "Hide under the semminary tables and scare your teacher advisor" and um... "Youth group pulling pranks on the leaders coorinator". I mean, I do that kind of thing alredy... sort of

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