Journal Entries

I got an approved entry!

smiley - smiley Yeah! I thought that due to the length of time since I submitted my entry had been filed under 'never to be considered', but it's actually been approved! I now have a warm feeling of satisfaction that has offset my especially nasty cold. Joy!

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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2000

The news is a lie!

 I've been increasingly worried that the murky world of reportage
brought to us via the mainstream mediaseems to have a very narrow
agenda. When there is a whole world going on out there why is it that
we seem to have the same old news stories repeating like horses on
a carousel? I reckon it's down to it all being run by stagnant old
institutions stuck in thier ways, only employing people who aspire to
the old fashioned ways. As the net grows the stranglehold over the
capacity to communocate ideas is loosend, but I still worry about
people without net access still being spoon fed the same old reasuring
lies. What can be done to free the world from this tyranny of ideas?

Discuss this Journal entry [1]

Latest reply: Jul 31, 1999

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