Journal Entries


November 23, 2003

I'm sort of in a depressed mood tonight. Although, Douglas Adams and Coldplay have done a wonderful job of cheering me up. I haven't seen Lena in like a week and two days, which really, really is not good. Nothing much happened today. I spent the afternoon at my grandmother's, and she cooked Ukranian chicken for lunch, which is really excellent. Afterwards, I worked a little on my English project and read most of 'Life, the Universe, and Everything'. I then went home and listened to Coldplay. I thought I'd write a little in the ole journal before I started to clean the kitchen. So, that'll be it for me.

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Latest reply: Nov 24, 2003


November 17, 2003

I suppose I'll start off by addressing the things most important firstly. My girlfriend, Lena, and my seven-month-anniversary will be tomorrow. I sometimes neglect the significance of this and should be beaten for it. Most couples in America get married after they know one another for that long. Tonight, I just feel like reflecting back on the last seven months. I feel like we've really connected with one another and have pretty much become supplementary to one another.

The first time I'd ever seen her was at a Scholar's Bowl practice. For those who don't know, Scholar's Bowl is more or less a 'Jeopardy' type deal. However, instead of having to retain useless information, it's more of a logistics thing. Anyways, my priorities when it comes to women (preceeding Lena, of course :P) exceeded that of mere physical attributes. I wanted my girlfriend to be smart. And, there lay an angel, and I be oblivious.

After a couple of Scholar's Bowl practices, I decided that I wanted to get to know this girl better. So, I got her e-mail address and phone number. We e-mailed one another once a day and called one another once a week. So, we decided that we wanted to try a date...

Mkay...the date went horribly. I was completely nervous; even more so than I'd expected. And, apparently, she was at least relatively nervous, too. So, we did little or no talking. She actually had to call her friend to come tag along to present a more easy-going atmosphere. So, we're at a coffee shop, 'cuz coffee's excellent. Anyways, we decide we want to do stuff. We want to go to the movies. Sure. Nice, quiet, dark theatre without the assistance of her friend. Being the complete loser I am, I'd left my wallet at home. So, we just sat there and...did...nothing for...I don't know, three hours. We decided that that sucked, so she took me home, we kissed, and that was the highlight of my life right there. That actually made that incredibly embarrassing date worthwhile.

So, to make a pretty long story short, despite having a bad first experience, we wanted to go out again. So, we did. And, it was slightly better. We did, indeed, go to the movies. We then decided to go out again since the dates seemed to be getting better and we turned out to be more and more interesting and appealing to one another.

And, I don't know how it happened. I suppose it just crept up, unnoticed. But, I fell in love with her. She had/has everything I've ever wanted/want and more. God, she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen or want to see. She's so smart and so witty. She's got the greatest sense of humor. She's truely altruistic. And, she's a democrat :P. Regardless of how it happened, I loved her and still do so much. She's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

Actually, there really is no moral to the story. Well, one could draw that persistence is key...a key to what, who knows? Another thing, though. About loving her. I truely believe that the little things, I am indebted to for keeping the spark alive. It's the major aspects of her personality that make loving her so spectacular. That's why many relationships schism and fall to pseudo-love. A person may fall in love with the major aspects, but then find that there isn't a light to fuel the fire. Others may fall in love with the little things and then later on down the road, discover they really aren't compatible. The rabbit hole goes deeper than that, but that's the jist of it. A balance is what it takes to keep a relationship alive.

I don't think is anything else, actually. That was it. I have nothing else to say. Therefore, I couldn't have put anything in order of importnace.,

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Latest reply: Nov 18, 2003

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