This is the Message Centre for Dorabella

hello welcome to h2g2 :)

Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hello and a warm <./>Welcome</.> To H2G2..smiley - smiley

I am MIDNIGHT ANGEL,One of many friendly <./>ACE</.>'s (assistant community editor) you will see on site.
we meet you and greet you makeing you feel at home,and help to guide you.

Sosmiley - dontpanic take thesmiley - bus to visit my welcome page A1103815 where you will find some useful links and information to help guide you.

If you would like any more help or just to chat,Please leave a message i will get back to you as soon as i can.

smiley - angelMAsmiley - angel

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