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Post 1


Hellosmiley - biggrin


Post 2


Hello, Princess. smiley - biggrin

Um... have we met before?


Post 3


smiley - ermYes We Have Spoke Before I've 4gotten where we spoke nowsmiley - doh
How are you ?
I'm fine thankyou
I hope you have a Nice smiley - xmastreeChristmas and a happy 2004 new year
Take care
smiley - loveHilary


Post 4


How am I? I never know how to answer that question. My hair needs a wash and I have a bruise on my left buttock from falling down the stairs. But I've sold two of my giant African landsnails in the past two days, which I'm very pleased about.

I like your page. smiley - starsmiley - monstersmiley - sheepsmiley - dogsmiley - titsmiley - star

It gives the impression of a friendly lunatic.smiley - biggrin


Post 5


Why You Cheeky Little Monkey I Have You Know I am No Lunatic at all I know a few someone's on here who are thousmiley - laughs

Na I just thought of a way to have asmiley - jesterand a smiley - laughs with Monty smiley - monsteron my Page as for Larrysmiley - sheepThat's my Teddy bear I smiley - zzzWith at Night My Daddy Bought me him when i was 2 and I still Got him now he specail to me my dad died oct 16th 2000 i miss him like crazy My dad and my older brothers where the ones who came to defence against my younger brother Now he is lunatic asmiley - weirdo He in a mentle hospital He thinks the aliens are coming to get him and take him away plus he told The shrink smiley - doctorthat he had superHuman powers plus he had a jealousy attack against me i cud not have any friends but he safely locked up nowsmiley - biggrin

Hey do you look like thissmiley - wizard?


I just try have a laff with everyone and if monty not around i can garentee Boxing baboon will come and chase thesmiley - devils away
just ask him Who Nosey Parker is and he will tell you lol


Post 6


Your poor brother! I've had friends like him. Being someone's friend when they get confused about reality is, I'm sure, much easier than being in their family: far less complicated emotional stuff involved. So I feel for you: it must be tough. Has he been locked up for long? (If it's none of my business, just send me a smiley - monster.)

I hope you know that I was being glib when I said "friendly lunatic". I just meant a fun oddball. That is to say, a cheerful eccentric. smiley - footinmouth I'm not doing myself any favours here, am I? smiley - erm

"Hey do you look like this smiley - wizard?"

Well, I had purple hair for a few years, if that counts! smiley - biggrin I do look windswept and interesting, of course. Perhaps this one is more me: smiley - cool.

Do you look like this smiley - diva?


Post 7


smiley - biggrin


Post 8


smiley - sorrythis is a late reply

My brother started to get his illness at the age of 16 he wanted my constant attention if i gave others attention he would jump up n down in a rage he been realy ill yes but sometimes i see a side to him he use to be then it gose,

No i don't look like asmiley - divaI'look like asmiley - fairysmiley - rainbowlol

are you all set for christmas?


Post 9


Drat! I did a smiley - fairy, then deleted it in favour of a smiley - diva.

My smiley - love and I are all set for a perfect Christmas: no tree, no decorations, no family, no hassle! Just us, some presents and loads of smiley - choc. smiley - drool

What about you? Are you heading for a merry one? smiley - bubblysmiley - drunk


Post 10


smiley - sorry
This Is a Late Reply But I've Been staying at my mum's and she only has sky and it was my 26th birthday on monday just gonesmiley - biggrinthen somebody asmiley - weirdex hubby kickked my mums door in and attcked my mum i soon got him smiley - running I hit him with a baseball bat he fled like hell
and yesteday i found out i am still married to the smiley - weirdo he never signed the last set of divorce papers so my uncle is going give him a settlement 12 thousand for a signture
on those paperssmiley - biggrin
and thats a lot of £££££ when you think about it that shud get shut of him so i can be Free!

No christmas tree why no decos i cudn't sit in house without decos
you sound weird as well mind you it might beyond your religion.

take care
The smiley - fairyPrincess


Post 11


Crikey Moses, smiley - fairy, I hope you have a much better New Year!

Although I'm an atheist, it's not religion that puts me off Christmas; it's just that I associate it with stressful and debt-inducing preparations, followed by cabin fever, followed by a huge family argument that has had all year to gather momentum. The decorations just remind me how much I want to get away from it all. Well, they usually do; this year, I had a lovely Christmas.

Like you, I've been away--despite having planned to hide.smiley - silly My parents-in-law are off on a world tour; they have a really nice house, so we moved in there for the festive season. We were joined by my partner's sister and her bloke, who are far less bah-humbug than us, and they put up a tree and cooked us a sumptuous Christmas dinner. They insisted I couldn't open any presents till Christmas Day, so I waited until they had gone to bed and then opened the most interesting-looking one.smiley - evilgrin

Will getting divorced stop your ex from coming round? It seems like a lot to pay for a signature. He sure as hell sounds like he doesn't deserve it!


Post 12


smiley - zzz


Post 13


Is that how spent your New Year, then? smiley - sleepy


Post 14


Nope i spent minesmiley - drunk what about you?


Post 15


Asleep!smiley - laugh

Did you go out or stay in?


Post 16


I went out to a disco smiley - discosmiley - drunk found meself a prince smiley - blush


Post 17


smiley - wow What a New Year's gift!

You're the second h2g2-er to tell me news like that.... There wasn't a bath involved, by any chance, was there?smiley - winkeye


Post 18


nope but me and my prince had a shower smiley - blush


Post 19


I imagine that was fun. smiley - laugh


Post 20


yes it wos lol hows you honeysmiley - biggrin

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