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*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Dec 16, 2003
Yes We Have Spoke Before I've 4gotten where we spoke now
How are you ?
I'm fine thankyou
I hope you have a Nice Christmas and a happy 2004 new year
Take care Hilary
Snailrind Posted Dec 16, 2003
How am I? I never know how to answer that question. My hair needs a wash and I have a bruise on my left buttock from falling down the stairs. But I've sold two of my giant African landsnails in the past two days, which I'm very pleased about.
I like your page.
It gives the impression of a friendly lunatic.
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Dec 16, 2003
Why You Cheeky Little Monkey I Have You Know I am No Lunatic at all I know a few someone's on here who are thous
Na I just thought of a way to have aand a
s with Monty
on my Page as for Larry
That's my Teddy bear I
With at Night My Daddy Bought me him when i was 2 and I still Got him now he specail to me my dad died oct 16th 2000 i miss him like crazy My dad and my older brothers where the ones who came to defence against my younger brother Now he is lunatic a
o He in a mentle hospital He thinks the aliens are coming to get him and take him away plus he told The shrink
that he had superHuman powers plus he had a jealousy attack against me i cud not have any friends but he safely locked up now
Hey do you look like this?
I just try have a laff with everyone and if monty not around i can garentee Boxing baboon will come and chase thes away
just ask him Who Nosey Parker is and he will tell you lol
Snailrind Posted Dec 18, 2003
Your poor brother! I've had friends like him. Being someone's friend when they get confused about reality is, I'm sure, much easier than being in their family: far less complicated emotional stuff involved. So I feel for you: it must be tough. Has he been locked up for long? (If it's none of my business, just send me a .)
I hope you know that I was being glib when I said "friendly lunatic". I just meant a fun oddball. That is to say, a cheerful eccentric. I'm not doing myself any favours here, am I?
"Hey do you look like this ?"
Well, I had purple hair for a few years, if that counts! I do look windswept and interesting, of course. Perhaps this one is more me:
Do you look like this ?
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Dec 19, 2003
Hiya this is a late reply
My brother started to get his illness at the age of 16 he wanted my constant attention if i gave others attention he would jump up n down in a rage he been realy ill yes but sometimes i see a side to him he use to be then it gose,
No i don't look like aI'look like a
are you all set for christmas?
Snailrind Posted Dec 22, 2003
Drat! I did a , then deleted it in favour of a
My and I are all set for a perfect Christmas: no tree, no decorations, no family, no hassle! Just us, some presents and loads of
What about you? Are you heading for a merry one?
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Dec 24, 2003
This Is a Late Reply But I've Been staying at my mum's and she only has sky and it was my 26th birthday on monday just gonethen somebody a
ex hubby kickked my mums door in and attcked my mum i soon got him
ning I hit him with a baseball bat he fled like hell
and yesteday i found out i am still married to the o he never signed the last set of divorce papers so my uncle is going give him a settlement 12 thousand for a signture
on those papers
and thats a lot of £££££ when you think about it that shud get shut of him so i can be Free!
No christmas tree why no decos i cudn't sit in house without decos
you sound weird as well mind you it might beyond your religion.
take care
The Princess
Snailrind Posted Dec 29, 2003
Crikey Moses, , I hope you have a much better New Year!
Although I'm an atheist, it's not religion that puts me off Christmas; it's just that I associate it with stressful and debt-inducing preparations, followed by cabin fever, followed by a huge family argument that has had all year to gather momentum. The decorations just remind me how much I want to get away from it all. Well, they usually do; this year, I had a lovely Christmas.
Like you, I've been away--despite having planned to hide. My parents-in-law are off on a world tour; they have a really nice house, so we moved in there for the festive season. We were joined by my partner's sister and her bloke, who are far less bah-humbug than us, and they put up a tree and cooked us a sumptuous Christmas dinner. They insisted I couldn't open any presents till Christmas Day, so I waited until they had gone to bed and then opened the most interesting-looking one.
Will getting divorced stop your ex from coming round? It seems like a lot to pay for a signature. He sure as hell sounds like he doesn't deserve it!
Snailrind Posted Jan 7, 2004
What a New Year's gift!
You're the second h2g2-er to tell me news like that.... There wasn't a bath involved, by any chance, was there?
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Dec 14, 2003)
- 2: Snailrind (Dec 16, 2003)
- 3: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Dec 16, 2003)
- 4: Snailrind (Dec 16, 2003)
- 5: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Dec 16, 2003)
- 6: Snailrind (Dec 18, 2003)
- 7: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Dec 18, 2003)
- 8: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Dec 19, 2003)
- 9: Snailrind (Dec 22, 2003)
- 10: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Dec 24, 2003)
- 11: Snailrind (Dec 29, 2003)
- 12: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 4, 2004)
- 13: Snailrind (Jan 5, 2004)
- 14: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 6, 2004)
- 15: Snailrind (Jan 6, 2004)
- 16: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 7, 2004)
- 17: Snailrind (Jan 7, 2004)
- 18: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 8, 2004)
- 19: Snailrind (Jan 9, 2004)
- 20: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 9, 2004)
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