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Snailrind Posted Jan 27, 2004
Sorry, Hilary, but the only reason I have a nickname is because I want to be anonymous on h2g2. I use my real name on other BBCi sites, but not this one. You'll have to stick with using my nickname.
But I can tell you I'm 31 and I live in Wales. I can also tell you that I live in an 18th Century cow barn that's been converted using church pews and railway sleepers. My partner is a computer geek and I love creepy crawlies. Strangers tend to crack jokes about the way I dress.
Sounds to me like your uncle thinks you love his money more than you love him.
Grooming horses is a lovely, relaxing thing to do, I agree. I've worked at a few farms and stables and things. Do you ride?
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Jan 27, 2004
Yes I Ride s
Have you ever rided a llama i have in canada nope i don't love my uncles money at all My dad was rich he brought me up ok
My mums family are from walse
Gwynedd penmaur i can't spell it
Well That's my real name HilaryMarie
I can't tell you the rest my name as its very very long lol and i don't use my full title but I have a cousin who lives in colla mendy by the beach and he calls me my full title in welsh and you know what i go and hide
ok i will call you nail insteas of snail as i have a phobia of them and slugs yuck
yes i like i don't like goats thou cos they chase yeah and try eat yea cloths lol
Snailrind Posted Jan 30, 2004
No, I've never ridden a llama: I've never even seen one, except on TV. I didn't realise there were any in Canada.
I've ridden horses & ponies, donkeys, and pigs. I don't recommend pig-riding. I haven't had much opportunity to ride since my teens, but I used to be able to do jumps and stuff.
"nope i don't love my uncles money at all My dad was rich he brought me up ok"
There I go again, jumping to conclusions about things I know nothing about. I'm sure you know what's upset your uncle better than I ever will. Still, if he's the one who wants to pay your
ex to keep away from you, he must care about your welfare--even if he's angry at the mo. I hope you manage to solve your differences. I know families can be tough.
"I can't tell you the rest my name as its very very long lol"
Is it: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch?
Perhaps you could call me 'Rind'?
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Jan 31, 2004
na i cany call ye rind it dont sound very nice no i call yeah nail lol my long name is hilarymarierachealjennyellenmorgan
Snailrind Posted Feb 1, 2004
He might have been. He has a habit of disappearing from time to time. But he comes back as miserable as ever, so that's ok.
I meant to ask whether you have a of your own.
MrFlay Posted Feb 1, 2004
Actually, was abducted by students. Worse than aliens, I assure you.
Snailrind Posted Feb 1, 2004
Wow, Hilary--you should watch football more often! I just read your poem on the other thread. The metaphor's really fitting, and you have a lovely sense of rhythm and internal rhyme. Do you write a lot of poetry, or was this a flash of inspiration?
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Snailrind (Jan 27, 2004)
- 42: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 27, 2004)
- 43: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 27, 2004)
- 44: Snailrind (Jan 30, 2004)
- 45: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 31, 2004)
- 46: Snailrind (Jan 31, 2004)
- 47: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Jan 31, 2004)
- 48: Snailrind (Feb 1, 2004)
- 49: MrFlay (Feb 1, 2004)
- 50: Snailrind (Feb 1, 2004)
- 51: *Princess*of*Hearts* (Feb 1, 2004)
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