This is the Message Centre for Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only]
Salve jimcracker7!
Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged Started conversation Oct 24, 2003
Sorry it's taken so long for an ACE to pop round here. I'm presuming that you're an existing user, but if you're not or you have any questions, just click the 'Reply' button at the bottom of this posting and leave a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible !
Salve jimcracker7!
Dark_Lord [The_One_And_Only] Posted Oct 24, 2003
hi its me again,dont ask me how but i have three active pages now,my main
jimcracker7(LINKSMAN),jimcracker7(REBORN AGAIN) AND jimcracker7(linksMAN)SMALL S
two the timebomb ones and one a friend did on a pc,im getting lost which is which loljim
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Salve jimcracker7!
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