This is the Message Centre for Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )


Post 41


Hi, glad you're doing good. I'm just a bit tired, didn't get much sleep last night so I'm running off caffine at the mo.


Post 42

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

you still having problems with your neighbours??


Post 43


Not last night we didn't have any trouble smiley - smiley, lucky for us the police were patroling all night and a local coucillor who we spoke to has asked for security to come round as well to check on vehicles and drive past and stuff, it's about time. It's nice to see council tax money going to good use lol. Not sure why but just woke up and then couldn't get back to sleep.


Post 44

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Thats good,them sort need either sorting out or putting down.I know it sounds drastic,but what use are they alive??.
I blame the parents.


Post 45


That is exactly how we feel right now, the thing that gets me mad is if we did something to them then we would probably be arrested yet they can do what they like. It is a single mum and she doesn't care at all what they do she even covers for them sometimes and says they were in the house. Our community officer has even been threatened by them several times. But hopefully it will be all over soon, when we do call the police we don't even have to say who it is anymore coz they already know!


Post 46

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Oh well lets hope they move on shortly,I lived in a quiet area for almost 20 years of my life in one house,But it gradually over the last 2 years i lived there,got worse. we finnaly decided to leave when this lad came in our gate high on something and his eyes were we upsticks and left.
what makes you sick 70% of crim eis drug releated,and theres been nothing done about,1 in 5 crimes are solved,not good for the goverment letting out 30,000 criminals early,i say whats going on heresmiley - erm


Post 47


I know I think criminals have too many rights more so than victims of crime. How is it that if you shot a burgular you would get jailed? he shouldn't have been there in the first place, that is how I see it any way. I think you're right about drug related crimes too, I think that is the cause of most of the crime in this area. The police do try but there just isn't enough of them sometimes when we ring they can't come out coz they have more urgent cases. And the police get tied down with paper work.


Post 48

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

some drug dealers are above the law,shame but true.
In the states,if somebody breaks into your home you have the right to do what you want,
What really annoys me,is these people dont care about if the person is a good gentle person and wouldnt harm a fly.They just break in and take purely out of greed.
In the news a BLIND 87 year old woman was badly beaten for her pension.She was blind for pitys sake.
what i would like to do to that thug is unprintable,But violence is the only thing they understand.reasoning with them is pointless.

What we are discussing, is a typical discussion i hear on the radio,So its the majority of people who feel the same.


Post 49


The thing is nothing seems to ever change the laws certainly need to be harsher too. A lot of criminals get away with so much and they get given chances, community service, fines but it doesn't really stop them from doing it again and that really annoys me. Coz most criminals know what they can actually get away with so they keep doing it, makes you wonder where is the justice in this world smiley - erm

Crimes against the elderly is the lowest of lowest, they are the most vulnerable and probably the most targetated by criminals and the sad thing is the law can't even protect them smiley - sadface Those kind of ppl should be locked away and throw away the key but most likely they would not even get much of a sentance and be back out again doing it to someone elsesmiley - sadface


Post 50

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Ive always said,the crims take advanged of our good nature,we are very leanant with them etc.But our kindness can only go so far.Im willing to give anyone chance,but i will not be taking for a fool.
Im dreading what its going to be like in 30 years,when im middle aged,Violent crime in on the increase,
somethings got to be done now not later.Thats the problem with kids,they cant be charged with a crime untill the reach a certain ages.But all i see if the 10/11 olds who cause most trouble in streets.with gravity and abusing passer byes.


Post 51


I really think they really need to prosecute youths coz the reason they cause so much trouble is coz they know they can't be prosecuted! They get away with so much. Even teachers have problems now with assaults from pupils and it is getting out of hand. Like you say it can only get worse as time goes on smiley - erm

I hope you don't mind I just added you to my friends list, I just thought I'd tell you.


Post 52

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

ofcourse you can smiley - smiley


Post 53

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

I have added you yo my friends drop down list thingysmiley - smiley


Post 54


Ty smiley - smiley, have you been here a while? I only joined in June I think it was.


Post 55

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

No i only logged on about 30 minutes agosmiley - biggrin
I think i cam on about may 2003,i didnt understand it at first,so i started for real about october of that year,so i have been on for over 2 yearssmiley - smiley


Post 56


That makes you a veteran now then lol. I'm still not sure I understand it all but I'm starting to find my way around alot better now smiley - smiley


Post 57

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

Its pretty easy to understand eveything as a place,us users.the games room,.miss chat,ask h2g2 etc.theres a smiley page,a picture library etc,Its very well thought outsmiley - smiley


Post 58


I'm hooked on it now smiley - biggrin


Post 59

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

If they could sort out the server be alot a bettersmiley - erm been getting loads of warning thingyssmiley - grr


Post 60


I know I keep getting page cannot be displayed all the time, it's been like that for a few days now, not sure what is going on smiley - erm

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