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leighm Started conversation Jun 1, 2009
It is a coincidence that you are reading "Blindsight" by Michael Crichton while I'm reading "Blindsighted" by Karin Slaughter.
Further coincidences include:
I live in Scotland (West Coast though)
I work almost exclusively with data - I'm a Data Analyst
Unfortunately - although I love all kinds of music - I struggle to hold a tune - never mind play any kind of instrument! And I'm afraid that the thought of any kind of body-piercing anywhere on my body absolutely terrifies me
I hope you enjoy the book - I'm pretty sure that I've read it - but I can't remember what happens!
Yvonne aka india Posted Jun 1, 2009
Hi leighm. I realised as soon as I hit return that it probably wasn't coincidence, just one of those things.
My partner and I went on holiday to the West Coast last year, Oban and a bit further. Don't realise how big Scotland is until travelling around it, maps just don't do it justice.
We've got a music group, open to all-comers, no auditions or anything. Not being able to hold the tune is one thing, but when this guy turns up who is truly, truly tone deaf, how do you tell him that he ought to consider a different society?
The body art, not to everyone's taste, I appreciate that. When I first saw it, a nipple pierce, my first thought was eeeoow
What's professional Data Analyst work like? Working in the Planning department of a county council isn't quite the same thing. Might be what I want to go into when I leave uni in a year's time. Public sector or private, not decided yet, depends what's around.
Let me know how you get on with Blindsighted, maybe worth finding if it's good.
leighm Posted Jun 2, 2009
I sympathise with your problem at the music group with individuals who have no musical talent - but seem to be the only ones who don't know it! I have no illusions on that score - but my other half thinks he can sing - Dear Lord - It's painful!
My job is OK - but I seem to spend more time fixing / cleaning data to get it in shape to actually do any analysis on it! It's pretty frustrating at times to be honest - but I think it may just be the company I work for.
If I were you, I'd find a way to stay with the public sector - even though things seem to be gradually changing - in general terms the pressure level is far lower on the public side. My Mum has worked in the public sector practically all her adult life - and although her job can be stressful at times (dealing with the general public) - on the whole she has always been better off!
Finished the book - moved on to another now - The Timer Game by Susan Arnout Smith. I go through 2 or 3 books a week as I spend almost 3 hours a day on public transport! God I wish I could get a job nearer home!
Yvonne aka india Posted Jun 4, 2009
I used to get through loads of reading too. My first job was a half hour bus journey into town, so that was five hours straight off. When my boyfriend moved to Aberdeen I initially travelled up every weekend, so another seven hours each way. +
Such long interrupted journeys meant I could get into more serious works, I read Dante's Divine Comedy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, and Juliette de Sade, with no problems at all. Short journays were good for easy stuff which I could pick up and put down at a moment's notice - Desmond Bagley, Robert Rankin.
Did you notice that on these longer journeys you get to know the route so well you can read right up until the last minute, because you're not looking out for landmarks or station names?
leighm Posted Jun 4, 2009
Oh I loved Tess of D'Urbervilles - so much so I went on to read "Far From the Madding Crowd", something with "Green" in the title - and another Hardy one whose name completely escapes me at the moment - memory is not one of my strengths!
I know what you mean about reading right up to the last minute - but I've had a few close shaves if I've really got into the book.
I've been trying to read "War and Peace" for the last few months (just for the hell of it!) but I have to admit that I have to keep putting it aside - I find it fairly heavy going.
Yvonne aka india Posted Jun 7, 2009
Are you thinking of "Under the Greenwood Tree"? Apart from Tess, I've not read any other Thomas Hardy books.
I've got a naff memory too, something to do with the meds I'm on, but that makes reading so much more fun. I know I've read a particular book before (or at least I think I've read it) but don't remember the plot and characters fully until my memory's refreshed.
I will eventually read all the Anne Rice books, but have struggled with Interview with a Vampire, so have put that "project" on hold for a while, settling for The Rowan and subsequent books.
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