Journal Entries

5 days till D-day

So I'm enjoying as many crunchy things as possible before my future of impending soup.

I have a feeling that next week is going to be a long one. smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2001

Bad morning

Hows this for a bad start to the day.

I wake up to the sun streaming through my window and start thinking that it will be a really nice day, which makes a change from usual. Then I roll over to find that the alarm clock is blank. Yes we are having a power cut.

So naturally I start running round the house pulling on clothes, shouting "I'M LATE I'M LATE I'M LATE" and trying to find a clock.

Stereo - off
video - off
microwave - off
PC - off (yes I know its hard to believe)

I finally found my watch, god knows what it was doing hiding down there, only to find that it was half an hour before I usually get up. smiley - erm

I was not amused.

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Latest reply: May 6, 2001

Explain this one!

Anyone got any ideas on this one, its got me stumped.

I got an email from a mate in the same building, this is a proper external mail system but having checked the mail header it never actually left the building. Anyway, this mail has a Tab delim text file attached to it. Now my question is this, Why did the mail server encode the text file into chinese?!? smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Mar 6, 2001

October 6th

I'm now a little busy at work, what was a 6 month deadline just became a 3 week deadline. smiley - sadface

I have some long hours to pull.

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2000

25th September

I love my job, I got a brand new computer today at the office. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Sep 25, 2000

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