This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hi there from Southampton

Post 1

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Hows you doin then? Work going ok? (mines evil, evil I tell ya)

Anway just thought I'd let you kow that I've just set up a disscusion group for the H2G2 Astronomy Society on It'l like so cool, yippee!!

Anyway, the whole AS is going really well, its very interesting, you should pop along. And I'm beggining to get to grips with HTML on my own webpage, so I may soon convert, oohhh.

Hope you fine and dandy,

Nick the ever insane

(of and what's this I hear about you taking over the world?)

Hi there from Southampton

Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm alright! Dead groovy actually. smiley - smiley

Me? taking over the world? it's all a lie!

I'll pop over to the AS tomorrow! Ta for the note smiley - smiley


Lisa the Lisaly one

Hi there from Southampton

Post 3

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Lovely. Home.

Hi ya! Hows you? I'm fine and dandy and just stressing about the end of term as it's a tadge tough work. Uni Arg. Then I'll be back in Cheltenham and in time, hopefully, for the races and go to them for once in my life!


Hi there from Southampton

Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

If the Races are ever actually going to happen..

I'm good! My cousin from the Philippines is living with us now (working as a nurse) and today I went shopping with her and spent 30 on CDs (Matrix soundtrack [wow], Stereophonics - Performance and Cocktails), posters (ALyson Hannigan.. oooh yeah baby smiley - winkeye), and the like.

Come shove the sun aside...

Where are you right now then? You've confused me, not that it's too hard.. smiley - tongueout

Hi there from Southampton

Post 5

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Still in Southampton for another week before poping home next Sunday. The Home reference was to this virtual home smiley - winkeye

What's the weather like with you? Because as the song says 'allways take the weather with you' and it's currently p*****g (is that allowed?) down outside and I really don't want to thatke this with me. Arg.

Hi there from Southampton

Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Well it's sort of usual, you know, low cloud, dismal, slightly drizzly. It looks like it's sunny if you're indoors looking out and it looks like it should be sort of warmish but it's not, it's COLD.

Perhaps we could meet up, perhaps.

Hi there from Southampton

Post 7

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I think I finally saw the sun today, perhaps I will allways take the weather with me. (hmm that song fits perfectly for any raingod that my exist)

Meet up? Actually go outside? But what if your a muerderer? What if I could actyualy learn to spell? Theres meny questions.

Hi there from Southampton

Post 8

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

We're so British.. talking about the weather again. smiley - smiley

*laughs* Yes.. outside. That really big place where there are no computers, where the people communicate by means of verbal exchange, and where, if you're in England - as I appear to be - it is very rainy and rather cold.

Yes, I'm a murderer. I hide an axe under my bed and climb out of my window at three o'clock in the morning to viciously attack defenceless students until they are hoarse from screaming. Then I creep back into my house, hide my now bloody axe under my bed, clean up all the drops of blood so that my parents don't notice, then go back to sleep without a trace of guilt.
Yeah. Sure thing. smiley - winkeye

I hope you don't learn to spell too soon, it make things interesting! smiley - smiley


Hi there from Southampton

Post 9

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Hee hee hee, ho! smiley - winkeye

Tally ho old chap, it's tilly pomb here! Maybe.

I must say that you consiel it very well, but then again I'm a vampire and no one ever suspects a thing.

Oh work. No, sleep!

Nighty night,

Hi there from Southampton

Post 10

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

*offers you crumpets*

I do conceal it very well. I mean, would you ever have guessed? *hides machete behind back* smiley - devil

A vampire? ooooooo don't tell Paperdoll/Zoe/U37132.. She'll run after you with wicked intentions... she'll probably ask you to vamp her.... smiley - vampire

Work,.... smiley - erm Not good. Today I got 27/80 in a History test! Which is great. smiley - winkeye But I had good reason to fail (but I'm not going to talk about it, especially not on h2). I'm doing History GCSEs next year, as well. smiley - winkeye I'm gonna do so well.....

But who cares! Who needs GCSEs and SATs when there's h2g2...... smiley - biggrin

smiley - bat

Hi there from Southampton

Post 11

Yeliab {h2g2as}

*takes crupmits*
Umm, lovely crumpets, thanks!

Inded, GCSE's are a waste of time and h2g2 is just superb fun. Though h2g2 may not get you into university where as GCSE's may.

Way it up. There easy when you look back on them. It's Uni exams that are the hard ones (though the same will probably happen)


(in no way does the above posting contribute the views of the BBC, or mean to emphasise the idea that CGSE's are bad or in any way not a nessesary part of growing up. Grrr.)

Hi there from Southampton

Post 12

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I haven't even done my SATs yet. smiley - erm And SATs *really are* a waste of time [that's known information smiley - tongueout - our Bio teacher told us so today smiley - smiley].

The only thing SATs can prove is that Pate's is a good school. A few years ago, 11% of the EPs in SATs exams were from Pate's. smiley - biggrin That means one in eight really brainy people go to Pate's smiley - winkeye
*Feels really positive suddenly*

(from a occupation type point of view) GCSEs aren't important if you do A-levels and A-levels aren't important if you get a degree. smiley - smiley

*munches on crumpet and smiles happily*
Tea? smiley - biggrin

Hi there from Southampton

Post 13

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Tea would be lovely Vicca.

Ahh, Pate's I remember it well. The exam that proved that they discriminate because of dyslexia. Which is why I went to St. Edwards which is in turn why I came to Southampton, (recomendation by Mrs Welham, great maths teacher, Hi there if your reading *waves to possible future readers*)

So that'a my life.

Oh but I have put up my SUPER COOL AND REALLY PRETTY GROOVEY website with flash on it. MAke sure you go there and say wow at the cool shockwave graphics. (just make sure you let it load completely before clicking on any buttons).

smiley - smiley

Hi there from Southampton

Post 14

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

*pours you tea and passes you the cup carefully*

That really p****s me off!! You know, if you'd gone to Pate's, you'd have been in upper sixth when I was a first year and you'd have stood on me. (from my experience, this is what sixth formers do to first years, as I'm sure you know from having to scrape them off the bottom of your shoe. <yuck&gtsmiley - winkeye

Oooh, flash? .....don't tell me it involves sounds because my computer screwed itself up and refuses to believe I have speakers, or indeed, drivers for speakers...... *goes and looks*

Hi there from Southampton

Post 15

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Lovely tea, thanks. *passes tin of biscuits over*

No sound on it, haven't sussed that one out yet.

And wgere I went it was the tiny first years that picked on the sixt form! Yes they were really nasty and horrible, and allways picked on me and my friends only because we were really really sad, and played computer games and things like that.

Hmm, speaking of which I think I'll just go and find some online people to shoot....

Hi there from Southampton

Post 16

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

*giggles* I /always/ pick on sixth formers. I feel it's my duty. smiley - tongueout

There's one sixth former who I claimed was called Bob for a couple of months. He's actually called Jim. So now we call him Jimbob or Jibump. *smirks*

I *like* tormenting sixth formers.

But I see nothing wrong with computer games...

*accepts tin of biscuits, opens it, peers inside*
no chocolate. smiley - sadface
*extracts digestives and munches them*

I like the flash. It's very cool. smiley - biggrin Well done. smiley - smiley

Hi there from Cheltenham

Post 17

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Ahh cool, I'm glad it works smiley - biggrin

Ohh, I'm now back in the sunny climes of Cheltenham, though I have just been to France for 3 days, and we stayed (and have for the last 6 years) in the same hotel as..... wait for it..... Terry Jones!

My mum held the door open for this familiar looking old woman, then realised that the man helping the old woman also looked familiar as the old woman. Twas quite cool.

Hi there from Cheltenham

Post 18

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Do you know how to set the background color to something for a particular guide entry. I need this so that alabaster users using the h2g2as see it with the goo colored background.

Hi there from Cheltenham

Post 19

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I dunno if it still works..

change the tags to

But then the Alabaster colours will show up as black on h2g2 blue - which isn't good. Sso you should just put a link at the top linking to "[A-number of entry]?skin=classic" and say that "this entry is designed for viewing in Classic Goo".

Hi there from Cheltenham

Post 20

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Yeah, tis what I have done (the cool thing being that I have done the text there in goo saying if you can read this you are in alabasts, cligk here to change. This disappears in the goo!

What I can do (next time) is use that BGCOLOR and just make sure I specify all normal text to be white and it'll all turn out nice again.

Chears muchly.

Nick smiley - hsif
smiley - fish

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