This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

where's the subject gone?

Post 21

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

they're not famous right smiley - winkeye

Send them longing stares across the room, looking away as soon as they notice. Hang out with them, but not too much. Has never worked for me, but that's coz i'm a crap flirt, and not the best-looker in the world either. smiley - winkeye

Give it a go anyways smiley - smiley

where's the subject gone?

Post 22

Legolas the Slart

A few tiny little problems plauge this:

a. Not in my class
b. The persons name is unknown
c. I have never uttered one word to them
d. They probably don't realise I exist
e. They may be a year above me
f. I am also a crap flirt

where's the subject gone?

Post 23

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Ah yes, same thing to me, which is why (actually no it's not *why*, but it's one of the reasons) I 'stalked' him smiley - winkeye

I don't recommend that; although it gets their attention it seriously pisses them off!!! smiley - winkeye


a) You can still stare at them
b) You can still stare at them
c) You can still stare at them
d) You can still stare at them
e) You can still stare at them
f) You can still stare at them

You can still stare at them smiley - winkeye

where's the subject gone?

Post 24

Legolas the Slart

Limited staring time kinda limits that, but anyway I'll give it a go.

So, watcha been doing with the first days of the holidays? (we broke up on Tues at 2:30) I have just spent the whole of yesterday tiding out my room!!!smiley - sadface The cappet color is no considerebly less grey. (I never new it!!!)smiley - smiley

where's the subject gone?

Post 25

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

We broke up last Thursday and I have BORED OUT OF MY MIND!!!! It's SO unfair! smiley - sadface I think I was the only person who was upset we were breaking up for the holidays smiley - sadface

Well, so far we have attempted to get to Weston-Super-Mare, and got stuck in traffic; major traffic. After 4 hours of sitting in the car we got to somewhere that would normally have been 20 minutes drive away!!!! Won't be trying that again anytime soon smiley - winkeye

Tidying room? Eurgh! I've got to do mine today, I've managed to postpone it for a few days by catching something dreadfully like a bad cold but isn't (doc said) smiley - winkeye

*stares at carpet* Actually I could swear my carpet's ageing too. Going grey, ha ha ha... *waits for laughter* *it doesn't happen* *sighs* smiley - winkeye

Planning on going anywhere exciting over the hols? We're not. Again.. smiley - winkeye


Slarti & Lisa

Post 26

Legolas the Slart

Were going to Francesmiley - smiley (south near Provance)via North Sea Ferries. Thats the only problem. At the end of the holiday youget to stare out at the horrible grey dock, and you can only remeniss about the Sun!!!!smiley - sadface

Is it warm were you are? Aparently the whole of England has been in a heat wave apart from Hull!!! I now no why the call it the arse of England!!!smiley - sadface

Slarti & Lisa

Post 27

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

That makes three people I know going to France smiley - winkeye I'm sure you'll have a great time though.

Is it warm where I am!!!!! Hahhaaa! STUPID QUESTION!!!! smiley - winkeye

If this is a heat wave then Winter is a heat wave too smiley - smiley

Well, it's sunnyish, and humidly warm, but not warm, if you know what I mean? smiley - winkeye

Slarti & Lisa

Post 28

Legolas the Slart

Well its actually just brightened up today!!!

Birthday on Sunday (i am prbably the last in my year to be 13)smiley - sadface

My mates gone to Spain for 2 Months!!!!!!!!

Oh well roll on Summer, if we get a proper summer!!!smiley - sadface

Slarti & Lisa

Post 29

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Pah! It's raining like hell here smiley - sadface
well no, if it rained like this in hell there'd be no flames smiley - winkeye

So what if you're the youngest in your year? Makes no difference smiley - smiley

I still don't like summer. smiley - tongueout

smiley - winkeye


Slarti & Lisa

Post 30

Legolas the Slart

Oh well I don't feel young!smiley - smiley

Aparently that was the dullest July on Record!!!smiley - sadface

How British we are to talk about Weather so much!!!smiley - winkeye

::The one they call a Slart

Slarti & Lisa

Post 31

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Something about wanting to be older.. I won't said that I wished I was grown up already to someone. They, being a person not in their youth, told me to cherish my youth while i had it, as you're only young once. *sniff* Such simple words had such an effect on me *sniff* smiley - winkeye

Funny, each July seems to be the dullest July on record lately smiley - winkeye Wasn't April the wettest as well? smiley - sadface

Ahh yes. We'll be eating crumpets, drinking tea and watching garden cricket soon smiley - bigeyes

::The one they called Lisa, in fact the one they still call Lisa, after 13 years. I've had the same name for 13 years!!!!!!!! smiley - winkeye

Slarti & Lisa

Post 32

Legolas the Slart

Ah the delights of Britain in the Summer, dullest July, wetest Autumn.

*lies back and thinks of Bahamas*

*Chokes of piece of Crumpet, tea goes down the wrong way, ciket rained of. The delights of being British!!!!smiley - sadface

After 4 months of skintness the birthday money has nothing to do with itself than a custodial sentance in the bank fo 5 years. We British are also never contented with N E thing!!smiley - bigeyes

:: The one they call the Slart. The one that was not born that way, as 'Slart' is a stupid Christian name!!!

Slarti & Lisa

Post 33

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

What's that? smiley - winkeye

And a belted.. Belated happy birthday to you!!! smiley - bigeyes

I can't stand cricket or tea, and have only twice eaten crumpets. But that might have something to do with the fact that I'm only *half* British smiley - winkeye

Mind if i lie through my teeth?

Oh my it's so sunny and hot here! The sun has made the flowers in our garden bloom beautifully, and the pears on our pear tree look very yummy and insect-free. Summer is my most favourite season!

I love chart music!!

Oops, didn't close the tag properly smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - bigeyes

Slarti would be a crap Christian name. Imagine the names you'd get called.
Arty Slarti Farty!
smiley - winkeye

::Lisa Marie.

Eewww! I hate my middle name! smiley - sadface I'm named after Elvis' daughter. Whenever I get called "Lisa Marie" (eg when my parents and formalities mix, eugh eugh eugh) I imagine a blonde girl with pigtails and a flowery basket-type hat sitting in the middle of a sunny field making daisy chains. YUCK!

ahem smiley - smiley

Slarti & Lisa

Post 34

Legolas the Slart

Chart Music Rocks
I love Steps
S Club 7 are sooo underrated
Feeder, The Manic Street Preachers, Queen, Blink182 are horrible un-cool bands that aren't manufacterured

To eiram asil

from trals llac yeht eno eht


I depart to France on Fridaysmiley - smiley

I come back in 2 weekssmiley - sadface

My computer is deadsmiley - sadface

My cousin is due in less than a month!!!!!smiley - smiley

There thinking of calling him Charliesmiley - sadface

Slarti & Lisa

Post 35

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Feeder? I got meself a Feeder mp3 the other day.. Sounds *nice* smiley - smiley

Elastica and the Verve are great too smiley - bigeyes

You're going away on Friday smiley - sadface

But you come back in 3 weeks smiley - smiley

smiley - winkeye

Charlie's an alright name.. I guess..

Lil kids are sweet. smiley - smiley I've got 4 lil nephews and a lil neice smiley - smiley Sweet smiley - smiley

Slarti & Lisa

Post 36

Legolas the Slart

I'm back, computers crashed, at a mates house. (on a 750 Anthlon, if that means anthing to you)

Cousin due on Monday.smiley - smiley

On holiday took £50 (saved up all year) came home with £1!

Went waterskiing, can waterskinow!!!! Went Parasending also!!!!!


The Slart

Slarti & Lisa

Post 37

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Oops! Sorry! Missed the link and then got convinced you hadn't replied smiley - sadface Silly me smiley - smiley

Have a cousin yet then? And is your PC workin' yet?

I went to Blackpool...... *grin*

Back at school, YES!!! Love school!! No, really! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

I guess you're back at school too? smiley - smiley


Slarti & Lisa

Post 38

Legolas the Slart

Cousin born 1 week late, they called him 'Harrison'.smiley - winkeye Which is short for Harry because my Grandma suggested that he have a long name because they can call him Harry when he's good and Harrison when hes not.smiley - smiley The only problem is that my brother is also called Harrysmiley - sadface So life will be confusing!!!

PC is workin 'cos clever me fixed itsmiley - smiley (gloat, gloat)

I don't share the opinion on school (espicialy as its the year of SNT's) So, yep I am back at schoolsmiley - sadface

So hows life on the home front?

Slarti & Lisa

Post 39

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm doing extra-curricular Latin, just got back from my first lesson as it's after school . smiley - smiley (smile will fade fast)

Don't you mean Harry is short for Harrison? Or Harrison is long for Harry? smiley - winkeye

SNTs? Another typi? smiley - winkeye
SATs later this year, I'm actually looking forward to them! smiley - smiley

All's fine an' hoopy here. I've got an inset day tomorrow (as much as I like school there is nothing better than a day of rest.) but I'm helping out in the evening showing round the prospective Y7 and their parents.. whoopee! should be fun smiley - winkeye


Slarti & Lisa

Post 40

Legolas the Slart

Should by fun (I did it last year it wasn't) ah well, they callthem SNTs over ere' (go knows why)smiley - bigeyes. I'm not looking forward to the Tests. Our Maths teacher reckons were gonna get Level 8. (This is the group that got 10/20 average for homework and all got done)

Whose fault is that N E Way? I the ETIRE CLASS getslow marks for tests dosen't he take a hint.smiley - sadface

Harrison is the 'squarkers' (as his Father kindly calls him) offical name

The Slartsmiley - smiley

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