This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


Post 1

The Grim Squeaker

*wanders in holding tiny scythe and waves a bony paw*


Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

(shakily) Woah, cool!!! Wow!! Hi!!!

(inquisitively) [as if there is any other way to ask a question] Who have you come for?


Post 3

The Grim Squeaker

*writes on a tiny pad attached to a silver chain, with a tiny pencil 'Just a social call' and shows it to Lisa*



Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

hehehesmiley - smiley

Is my babel fish going to help me at this point?


Post 5

The Grim Squeaker

*shakes head sadly, making the bones in its neck go click, click, click.*


Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

All together now, "aahhhhhhh.."

I hope you have sufficient paper; I talk a lot


Post 7

The Grim Squeaker

*nods* SQUEAK

*Puts scythe down on the floor, sits down carefully so not to sit on tail and looks expectantly up at Lisa*


Post 8

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Although normally people reply. Here, have a cushion.

*passes cushion*

It's made out of a towel; yet another use for the most useful thing any interstellar hitchhiker can have.


Post 9

The Grim Squeaker


*takes towel and folds it and sits down. Takes up paper and pencil again and writes 'Thank you. So Etc is now Lisa who are the people to visit around here?' Hands paper to Lisa'


Post 10

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I have a drop-down list of links at the bottom of my page. I put it up two days ago I really love it it's really hoopy, hehehehehehheehehehehe!!! *manic laughter*

Sorry. smiley - winkeye

So have a look at that for some hoopy people to talk to.smiley - smiley


Post 11

The Grim Squeaker

*scribbles again ' Thank you for the invitation I will drop by. Have you been here long? '*


*hands paper to Lisa*


Post 12

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

(munches on popcorn) Yaarg. Since June. That's long for Internet stuff. See I was a newbie once too. How did you find out about me - users list?

Oops how insensitive of me. Here have some popcorn.

smiley - smiley


Post 13


perhaps it's my browser (IE4) but your drop-downs seem a bit thin and therefore unreadable smiley - sadface

btw, are they the result of GuideML tags I haven't read about or did you snuck them in?
they seem quite a popular addition to one's page


Post 14


oops, how rude, I didn't mean to just butt into your conversation...

<shakes hands, introduces self, &cet)


Post 15

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'll just check them. I don't know why they shouldn't be working... Yes I do, there's something about IE and these white boxes isn't there, hmm. I'll have a look in IE (but it's only an older versh so if yours doesn't work then mine definitely won't.)

Yerp my page is in guideml and has been since God knows when!


Post 16

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Works fine to me.

I think I'll delete the flashy bit though because it's really annoying to IE users. I'll put it on one of my other pages.


Post 17

The Grim Squeaker

*declines popcorn with a warm shake of head and points to its skeletal body*

*scribbles 'I heard from a mutual friend that you were a Pratchett fan - something about the play version of Mort*

*hands Lisa the paper*


Post 18

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Which friend?
I have a journal entry on my page about the play. It was cool. No, cool is an understatement....... smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

hi kwill! Here *you* have some popcorn then.

I've gotta go now cya round, ppl


Post 19

The Grim Squeaker

*waves goodbye with a tiny bony paw*

*takes out tiny hourglass and shakes it enthusiastically*

*grips the tiny scythe between its teeth and runs out*


Post 20

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga




But.. said...

Um, um, I can't die yet, I have homework to do.. um, yaarg, um...maths homework.. um..

*falls to knees*

Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't take me!!!!!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!!

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