This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


Post 1


where did the whole obsession with the fishes come from?
that is a new thing to ponder over...
are they supposed to be connected to the babelfish? or is it a chicago cows sort of thing?


Post 2

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


I dunno but Fenny gives oout personalised fish and most people had one at the time and I wanted to fit in cos I was new. smiley - bigeyes


Post 3


How about a rincewind fish?


Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

A Luggage one would be more interesting.


Post 5


A hairy librarian fish?


Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Or a Death one- like the Halloween fish, only with a cloak.


Post 7


I was in Germany I never saw the halloween fishies/smileys everyone kept talking about them tho smiley - sadface

how about a god of hangovers fishie; kind of like rainbows one?


Post 8

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I've gotta go now, see ya next time.

Forget fishies

Post 9


What I REALLY want is a tiny Grim Squeaker to put on my page.

Forget fishies

Post 10

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I've only read the first four (alright so I haven't even finished them yet.) but I know what you're talking about. There's someone on here called the Grim Squeaker. It's cool. smiley - smiley

Forget fishies

Post 11


He would be the death of rats then smiley - smiley
ive read most of them but my memory is patchy smiley - winkeye

Forget fishies

Post 12

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm on Equal Rites. I read them in a funnny order, Mort first, then COM, then LF. Reading Mort first ruined COM because I knew Rincewind was going to live. But Mort is brilliant is it not. I went to see it at the Playhouse, it was so hoopy. smiley - bigeyes


Forget fishies

Post 13


>>Rincewind at the playhouse<<
I wish I could have seen that smiley - bigeyes
Bye cul8r

Forget fishies

Post 14

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

It was brilliant, have you seen my journal entry on it, I can't be bothered to type it out again, sorry.

smiley - bigeyes

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