This is the Message Centre for Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


Post 21

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

iT'S GONNA BE EASIER TO CARRY ON FROM HERE. oops i left the caps lock on. oh well.

i've got loads to read now. thanks everyonesmiley - bigeyes

i'll try out all those books you all mentioned.

gotta go...

reading rice

Post 22


very, very plausible..
because there are waaaaaaay to many channels/programs here. it is like they are struggling to get a good show going- which generally doesn't happen... (or they cancel out great shows like my so-called life....grrrrrr)
so maybe if there weren't soo many major networks (there has been an increase in them.. letseee, abc, cbs, nbc, upn, fox, wb-- yikes)
maybe there might be something good on here...


Post 23

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

we have five terrestrial channels - bbc1, bbc2, itv, channel 4, and channel5.

but they are packed with good stuff (apart from channel 5)


Post 24


i wonder-
do the 'channel' stations have wars against the bbc?


Post 25


Channel 5 is too packed with good stuff.
As long as you determine good stuff things to watch while your brain drips slowly out of your ear.
smiley - fish

reading rice

Post 26

The Dancing Tree

Sounds plausable, especially when one considers the general decrease in quality of British television since the "invasion" of Sky and cable. What really pisses me off is still paying a fee for BBC when they own massive chunks of commercial channels (all the UK:TV stuff, Discovery, etc) and still show commercials on the BBC anyway (Radio times, etc). Grr.


Post 27


how do you stop the brain from leaking out?
or is that just on of the side effects of watching tv?


Post 28


Hey!!!! Someone else who's heard of the Myth-ing series! I can't seem to find ANY of his books in shops where I live. I've only read the first three... do they get any better?


Post 29

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

heh-heh-heh, this was me BEFORE Discworld, hehehe.

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