Journal Entries

Life to date

 I was born, got older, got educated, got drunk and here I am. I have an boring well-paid job, no significant other and am a little overweight. Sometimes I wish i was back at university but then I realise that I would probably be dead by now if I were. I enjoy playing football (quite well), rugby (quite badly) and pool (quite drunkly). I live and work in Brighton, UK and have a rather nice flat on the marina. Brighton is an enjoyable place to be and I thoroughly reccomend it to all those looking for an old seaside resort to live in. It is also ideally placed for going to our glorious capital. I come from Leyland in Lancashire, so I'm still attracted moth-like to the bright lights of London which I am currently exploring. Suggestions for good restaurants and diverting nights out would be welcome, as would hidden delights of the city during the day.

This is begining to sound a little lonely hearts-esque. Anyway, I suppose i'm just another 24 year old chap looking for something entertaining in life, and as such have decided to dedicate myself to experiencing whatever I can. I think that there is so much that is beatiful in the world that everbody has to try and get out there and immerse themselves in the pure hedonistic joy of living. Oh and if you happen to be reading this Sally, I still love you without measure. I hear you in every breath of wind and feel you in every ray of sunshine.

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